Has anyone found a natural way to get rid of the fungus,aspergillos?
Fungal infections: Has anyone found a... - Aspergillosis and...
Fungal infections

hi last year i had aspergilllos in the lungs, in my experience the only natural thing that helped ,was garlic in its raw form sliced long ways (easier to swallow ) taken with cold water, if you can or mix with honey ,but you will probably neen a corse of steroids to get it under control ,a must to avoid rotting leaves, compost heaps , areas where grass is beaing cut, if you have to do gardening were a good quality mask, all the best hope this is a help.
I think I contracted it from a cheap market bought wheat filled microwaveable heat pack I used to reduce the pain over my expander after mastectomy and chemo
Surgery and a month of IV voriconazole later thank god it is gone and has not returned over the last 4 years , didn't realise how serious an infection it was until today when I visited a botanical garden in Wales
There is no 'natural' way to cure aspergillosis. The 'natural' way to cure an allergy might be avoidance?