any one can tell me about small fibre... - Foggy's "Invisibl...
any one can tell me about small fibre axonal nueropathy

I'm sure you can fine lots about it on google, I believe it effects the small fibre and the nerves
It sometimes have it who are diabetics I think but can't remember completley
It causes numbness in the toes pins and needles burning freezing aching, hypersensitive
To touch can't even put socks on it effects the bottom of your feet legs hands arms body
Can't stand people to touch you as this will give you unpleasant feelings, but some time
It has the effect that you can't feel things like it you stepped on some thing you may not
Feel it
Temp might go up and you may sweet feel light head, there are lots of reasons for
This and the symptoms are lots, but this is all I can remember, some of the reasons
Are the same as fibro, but not all I think. Some times it effects the big fibres as well
As the small. I believe it can be treated for the pain with cymbolta, and some times
With prednisone.
I expect there is lots of information on the net, I wish you luck if you have this it is
Very similar to fibro.