Both my thumbs swollen can anybody tell me why
Swollen thumbs: Both my thumbs swollen... - Foggy's "Invisibl...
Swollen thumbs
Swollen thumbs, They could be swollen due to maybe tendonitis? Have you been doing something different lately that maybe put some stress on them? Or could be something like osteoarthritis. Both of these things can cause thumbs to swell. If it persists then I would contact a Dr. and see what he/she thinks. That's if it has not corrected itself in due time.
My thumb swelled the other day and was hot and tender. No sign of infection but extreme tenderness underneath the nail - not joints / gout or similar. It had gone down by the time I saw the GP - annoyingly. She looked at me as if I was completely mad and dismissed both infection and inflammation as impossible given the remission of symptoms within 12 hrs. Wish I hadn't reported it now....but interesting that you've had the same. Did it go away or do you still have it? Is it linked to inflammation or infection do you know? Mine remains a mystery.
Carpal tunnel ?