One side of my face affected and it has gone cold? Any info welcome.
Tri-geminal neurology. : One side of my... - Functional Neurol...
Tri-geminal neurology.
I was told by my neurologist that you can feel a lot of different sensations with FND, I have had the cold feeling on my face I have also had a burning feeling in my legs and a crawling feeling as if theres a spider inside my leg.If your really worried about it you should see your GP but going by my experience with my GP everything gets put down to FND.I hope you find out what is causing it. Take care.
As there can be more than one explanation for your symptoms - both FND and Trigeminal neuralgia - the 1 that can be actually diagnosed and maybe some relief found should be looked into before just lumping it into the FND basket. I would hope any GP or specialist would have the same opinion!
Could be trigeminal neuralgia and those symptoms are also reported by people with migraine and other neurological conditions. If you're in the UK the NICE guidelines on FND say that any new neurological symptoms should be evaluated so hopefully your GP knows that and can make an appropriate referral soon (I'd try for a neuro otologist).
Hi, have you tried acupuncture and laser treatment?