Does anyone get facial tics when they try to read or write?
Greenbeens: Does anyone get facial tics... - Functional Neurol...
Hi I get them after certain overuse of arms, hands and neck during my craft work.
So would recommend thinking about your head, neck and arms posture when reading or writing and try shifting joint/muscle pressure about, and reduce time spent on those activities with plenty of breaks - see if that helps reduce symptoms?
Also, if you do not need spectacles to read, consider having an eye test to check that everything is still okay. Sometimes an uncorrected eyesight issue can cause a strain on the nervous system.
Any dental work lately before the symptoms started, can also irritate the trigeminal nerve (ear, eye and jaw) which can cause facial tics.
Plenty of sleep won't hurt, I stopped using a pillow when sleeping flat to align my neck/spine better and found that helped me.
Look for the calm in the Storm!
Yes, my eyes will dart side to side very rapidly for about half a second at a time.
Hey I get body tics do you also get those ?