This may seem like an odd question but I just want to know if anyone has reacted badly to wearing plastic aligners in their mouths? Im not diagnosed but I'm waiting to see a neurologist..god knows when! I recently had invisible braces and 2 weeks in had a reaction which developed over a few days..chest tightness..weird sensations in throat and hyper salivation and tingling mouth. I told my dentist and he's never heard of anyone having an allergic reaction to them. I felt better next day after removal but then my knee has swelled up and hurts which is what occured months back when I had my covid vaccine and had a bad reaction and was hospitalized with weird stroke like symptoms pain/stiffness and swelling in right knee and leg and they just labelled it all as functional. No known cause. Do outside stressors such as my braces exacabate fnd symptoms?
Are people with FND hypersensitive to... - Functional Neurol...
Are people with FND hypersensitive to invisible braces
Hi I have heard of FND Sufferers and Multiple Sclerosis sufferers getting good benefits from having dental bracing in their mouth, because it can help the brain concentrate on that mouth pressure as a distraction from their other nerve pressures - but never heard of a bad reaction to brace pressure like you describe?
Also I have never heard of ANY swelling as being related to FND that sounds an organic not functional problem and I have Complex Motor FND - so I experience an awful lot of joint/tendon/muscle/positional abnormal movement daily.
I would say get a current blood test and have your antibodies checked for inflammation markers as sounds like a bit of either an allergy or infection going on there.
Which might have been triggered by the dental brace materials or medical chemicals like mouthwash for example - I was told many years ago that you can have allergies to practically anything and they can all of a sudden be triggered by one random exposure to something; after having built up a sensitivity over years of repeat exposure?
Look for the calm in the Storm!
P.S if your knee is very red, swollen, painful and hot all the time - think blood clot or Lymph system fluid build up and get seen immediately by a doctor.
Look for the calm in the Storm!
Hi..thanks for taking the time to reply. I will go to my A&E department with the knee problem and yes I'm probably allergic to the liners. I had a neurological episode after covid vaccine which landed me in hospital in March and not really been right since. Waiting to see a neurologist but there is a massive backlog and I had covid 4 weeks ago and an op 12 weeks ago so it's been a bit of a bad year health-wise !