Hi, I got a diagnosis of FND in May by my GP and after ending up in a&e last week I was rushed for a neurologist appointment which is tomorrow. I’ve never been to a neurologist and hopefully I’ll get an official diagnosis, but I’m not sure what to expect or what questions I should be asking. If someone can please give me some advice?
Help With Neurologist Appointment - Functional Neurol...
Help With Neurologist Appointment
Just be honest and write down your 10 most important symptoms/problems and then ask for help!
Ask what your neurologist thinks has caused your FND. If you know, e.g. it came on after an accident, then it's important to know whether the neurologist is "old school" and simply sees FND as being caused solely by psychological trauma being converted. If you know this isn't the case then you don't want to be sent off to see psychiatrists and will want a different neurologist. Good luck.
Ask for an official written FND diagnosis.
Many of us don’t have it yet.
My neurologist just wrote in a piece of paper but it never went to my file.
10 most important as outlined by Borrow is an excellent tip - make sure you write them down, don't try to memorise them, and make sure you go right through your list 1 to 10, don't get side tracked. Be ready to challenge what you hear. Be polite but firm, question how any conclusions are reached. Again, write things down (so note pad & pen), don't be over awed by your experience or your medical practitioner, get to whatever facts or diagnosis by Q&A, understand what is being said. If your not sure - ask! Ensure you know what your next steps are at the end of your appointment - progression, and why you are going in that direction.
Smile. Be positive, truthful, and to the point to create a professional working relationship with those who are there to help. Neurological disorders are not just about self management, there's a strong element of managing those around you also.