Hello Everyone,
Hope today finds you well😊
I have suffered for over 22 plus years.
Basically everything begun to destruct my crazy ride with the devil begun following the birth of my youngest daughter.
The indescribable Crippling chronic pain
Sight Loss
Hearing Loss/Disturbance
Could hardly talk
Paralysis in body/face
In/on bed for 4 months with random GPS coming & being called & just injecting me with pethidine. They had np idea but said the pain is Fibromyalgia.
They didn't want to know. They still don't want to know.
They get £300,000 approx per year to not want to know.
I know what alot of you post & have gone through & go through
It's the story of my life!
Within 22 years things progressed I have
Chronic Pain
Constant Migraine
Head Pressure
Pressure in my ears
Chronic Fatigue
Bowel IBS/Bladder problems
Paralysis my entire right side
Just like that it gives way it's beginning on my left side.
They didn't bother/care & just wanted to give me every single drug in the book. No follow ups nada/nish just "Off you trot" basically no idea , no knowledge no interest. You've got Fibromyalgia.
Overhauled & changed my entire life over the years eat clean, live clean.
I live the life of a nun.
I Was diagnosed with FND pending results from tons of other tests.
Anything that is ignored/not treated will progress/worsen/fester
Unfortunately for them I have degrees/educated in anatomy/physiology, sporting science. Educated in physical fitness & am Level 4 master of & nutritionist dietician.
"You're not silly are ya"
No I'm bluddy not!
They are aware of this!
They talk so much crap & still to this day are humiliating people & fobbing people off.
You are not alone🖒
There's myself & many more like me who have donkeys years of experience with this, meds, pain management & everything else.
I will say that depending on my outcome of tests whether I take legal action for my years of suffering every single day, hour, second.
Keep journals of symptoms, episodes, times, dates, recordings, videos
Anything just log it.
They've spent years handing out drugs
gabapentin antiepileptic
amnitrytilline, sertrilline & others that give you awful side effects & reap havoc on your body & mind & most of them don't work just pumping people full of more & more poison so you pee off & leave them alone.
My answer to them is for eg always is do you have clinical proof that I'm suffering with epilepsy so why are you trying to give me that fir pain & all the other tosh they want to dish out.
You've got to wise up & take control of your life, body, mind & soul everyone.
This is you, this is your life.
None of it goes away, very brief moments I've had of any of my symptoms going into remission & leave me alone. Due to me living & eating clean, avoiding negativity, stresses & refusing to put poison prescribed into my body, after years of doing so by people who don't give a damn.
They tell millions of people it's all in your head?
If it's all in your head why is it all the meds they give you to take work basically through your head CNS central nervous system etc?
They swear an oath to help & preserve life am I correct?
My circle is small my daughter's, son in laws, 4 grandchildren, my current CPN who's a star.
My GP of 15 years last year said "This is how you get, you must be use to it by now"?
I nearly gave birth to a kitten, trust me.
That ended our relationship.
Only a consultant neurologist has treated me correctly.
She was quite shocked that I'm approaching 50, I appear to her in my 30s, 5ft 2 athletic physique with lean muscle mass.
People get told that they're too fat, lose weight & it will all get better?
Diseases/disorders don't discriminate on how fat or thin you are.
But they'll give you that line "If you lose weight you'll get much better"
Really? Pfft!
Or they have advised real slim people to gain weight?
One of my best remedies is
That this is me
This is my life
I've accepted this
This is my world & that
Each One Can Teach One.
Have A Great Evening all💕