How I’m Healing from FND: Hi friends! I... - Functional Neurol...

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How I’m Healing from FND

angelina22 profile image
2 Replies

Hi friends! I really hope that you’re all managing okay & being gentle with yourselves.

It’s been a little while since I’ve been on here, but I wanted to report back and make a post detailing the progress I’ve made since January ‘19 in hopes that it may benefit some of you. Heck, even if one of you take something away from this, then mission accomplished.

So back in January I was at my worst and my symptoms were becoming so unbearable that, truthfully, I was feeling deeply suicidal. I was sobbing at every given moment, barely getting a wink of sleep, completely unable to eat without being in agony and generally felt that my life was over and my suffering would be eternal. Dramatic, yes, but it felt so real at the time. I felt that the person I once was, who I actually liked, was withering away.

In February, my symptoms do what they often like to do, which is ease up a little bit, allowing me to perform tasks such as washing myself with slightly more ease. I was by no means better, but I’d take whatever I could get. During this time I made the decision to start doing some extensive research. I’d given up on searching for FND specifically as we all know how little information there is on the web.

I came across a lot of different information, all beneficial. I’ve talked here before, briefly, about discovering Anthony William the Medical Medium. I purchased his book about healing from chronic and mystery illness. Read it in a single sitting and felt like a light had been switched on in my broken little brain.

I started following his protocol. I was already following a vegan diet for a couple years and vegetarian for over a decade, but quickly realised it was time to cut out anything processed. This includes (almost) anything that comes in a packet essentially, as well as oils, natural flavourings, citric acid, gluten, MSG and more. Basically, a fully plant based, whole foods diet. I also started drinking celery juice first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and have incorporated juicing and fasting into my life.

I also done some research into alkalinising my body. This is an important one. I also stopped drinking tap and bottled water and got a water distiller. I’ve dramatically increased my water intake. I’m taking digestive enzymes daily and am looking into incorporating sea-moss and some other herbs and supplements too.

Folks, I cannot believe the changes. The progress I’ve made is undeniable. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not cured! Not by any means - but I’m on the road to healing, I can feel it. MM says it can take around 2 years to heal from neurological issues & to heal the nervous system. It’s only been a couple months, but here’s some of the progress I’ve made:

- My digestion has improved to the point that I can thoroughly enjoy food again.

- My bowel movements have normalised and flow easily and are regular. No more diarrhoea.

- No more bladder dysfunction.

- Less head and eye pain.

- No more earache or tinnitus.

- 95% of my tingling has stopped. I get it for about a minute every now and then, but it’s decreased dramatically.

- My heart has normalised. I am no longer taking medication to slow my heart rate as it is naturally functioning normally. Less palpitations, less chest pain. I still get some pain, but it’s so rare.

- My foot pain that was preventing me from being able to go out, walk normally/comfortably or take part in things I used to enjoy has become much more bearable. I can now walk with much ease and have enjoyed numerous nature walks ever since and feel like I can say YES! whenever somebody wants me to go out with them. The pain went from a 9/10 to a 3/10 - not perfect, but wow, I’m happy with that.

- No more nausea or appetite loss. No more vomiting.

- No more globus sensation, which was upsetting me a lot when I had it. It made swallowing water uncomfortable and I felt like I couldn’t breathe properly.

- Less breathlessness. Yesterday I done my first 15 minutes of actual, intentional gentle exercise. I’m going to slowly build up and get myself strong again.

- Less numbness. I can feel all my fingers, toes & legs. Sometimes I’ll get a little spot of numbness on a random part of my body, like on my head, but being able to actually feel my limbs again is heaven on Earth.

- No more stiffness. My jaw was especially stiff and painful and that’s gone now. Sometimes I get a little stiffness in my neck/shoulders, but it’s improving.

- I’m no longer struggling with heat intolerance or excessive sweating. My body odour doesn’t smell as bad anymore and my body stays cleaner for longer.

- Not entirely relevant, but my hair is healthier, shinier and has had a massive growth spurt which everybody has noticed.

- Less mouth and tongue sores.

- My hands and feet are no longer ice cold 24/7.

- My internal tremors have completely gone. I never shake anymore.

- Less heartburn/acid reflux.

- Feeling of pressure in my eyes has subsided.

- The painful bruised feeling I had over my body has gone.

- Less itching, but I still get some. It’s not driving me crazy anymore.

- No more burning sensations.

It’s been crazy. I’m so happy. The reality is that it’s going to be a bumpy road. My symptoms have not been entirely alleviated. I still get some redness specifically over my face/cheeks and on my right arm sometimes. A little bit of itching. I still get some unusual sensations on my scalp, for example, a little tingle that makes me scratch my head and then afterwards I can still feel where my fingers were, as if they’re still there on my scalp. I’m not getting headaches anymore, but I’ll get the odd sharp pain in my head, it’s just that it doesn’t bother me or actually have an effect on my daily life at this stage. I’ve lost 2 stone in weight, but INTENTIONALLY, not because my brain is malfunctioning. I want to lose some more weight and get myself down to a healthier one and start building some muscle. I have less weakness now and am prepared to make myself stronger, fitter and faster. These changes have allowed me to get to a stage in my life where that feels achievable.

Intermittent fasting has been a huge help. Many of my issues subsided through fasting. There’s so much more I need to share but this post is long enough. If anybody has any questions please feel free to ask.

By no means am I saying any of you will benefit the way I have, but I refuse to sit here and give in. When I read posts on here, hearing how you’re all suffering, I can’t bear it. I have many doctors and nurses within my family, but it’s clear that medical professionals do not have the answers yet. I will not wait around for them to figure it out.

I also want to say cannabis helps hugely for specific symptoms. CBD too. Those of you struggling with tremors & seizures, stomach pain, nausea & appetite loss - look into it. It won’t work for all of us, but it may work for some. It’s worth a shot.

Perhaps I’ll come back here and tell you things got bad again, or maybe I’ll come back and tell you I’m not sick anymore. We’ll see. But I’m so grateful that I’ve had this opportunity to feel like myself again. Even if it’s temporary, it’s been worth all the effort.

Much love, friends ❤️

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angelina22 profile image
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2 Replies
4871sam profile image

Amazing for you! You must feel great that all your effort has got you on a road towards healing. I’ve taken a similar path over the last year. CBD oil and primitive reflex integration (gentle rhythmic movements that integrate my retained primitive reflexes and stimulate new neural networks).

My internal tremors and all the odd sensations I had due to misfiring nerves /misinterpreting brain signals have really reduced. I’ve had weeks without anything! And only the occasional buzz or tingle between. No muscle fasiculations for months!

I’m feeling so much more able and positive. I’m definitely going to look into diet changes like yours. I’ve put on 2 stone over 2 years with no obvious reason. There’s definitely something about the brain/gut health connection. I just need a bit more will power to give up sugar! Here’s to finding ways to manage FND!

angelina22 profile image
angelina22 in reply to 4871sam

Wow wonderful, I’m so so happy to hear this! I can really tell that you’re feeling so much more positive! I’m going to look into PRI for myself, as while I’ve had some huge improvements, I still have some way to go. The main thing I want to try to get rid of is the sensations I get in my head/on my scalp, but perhaps they will go away by themselves eventually. Thanks so much for your comment & may you continue to heal!

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