Hi can fnd run in the family
Bailey09: Hi can fnd run in the family - Functional Neurol...
Prof Edwards told me that FND can happen more to people who know someone with it. I think that's probably because people with FND can see it in other people or people are more aware if they have come across it before. They are likely to have a proper diagnosis rather than being mis-labeled as chronic fatigue with "funny symptoms" as one doctor told me - with a straight face too.
As for families, in my humble opinion, I think that there may be a higher risk within families if there are bowel issues, vitamin deficiencies, migraine etc and of course an abuser/s in the family. So there may be a case that there may be have a higher risk through shared factors, but not in itself genetic.
Make sense? Just a humble opinions from a sufferer. Time will tell.
That's what I like to no as well as my son and I was told we had another disorder over 15 years a go now I am being told I don't but have fnd so if I don't have the old disorder my son can't have it as it pos to run throw gans but he still as tremors in his leg etc bladder plobemles the same as me but I much wores than him so I am guesting if I have fnd he much have that I have asked doctets but can't say yes or no
I can't spell the full name but it was spatic disorder .
Sorry I've never heard of that
Spastic Disorder is what I think Chaz meant.