I did an eeg and they told after a few days of testing that I don't have epilepsy but I do have Tourette's. Can you have both Tourette's and FND? How do these diagnoses fit in with each other?
just diagnosed with Tourette's how do... - Functional Neurol...
just diagnosed with Tourette's how does that fit in with possible FND?
Basically it's the signalling in your brain not going down the right pathways, interfering with other signals and causing abnormal movements, or lack there of, that are not your choice. If you are ok when you are asleep and symptoms occur on waking it fits in with FND. It's a software problem rather than a hardware one. It's supposed to be only when we are conscious - though there are some who have symptoms in their sleep and some lose consciousness.
There are commonalities. Have a browse on the fndhope.org website it's a big umbrella. There are some common deficiencies in FND to other health problems that make the brain misbehave. There is a list of supplements people with FND find useful. Anyone with neurological issues should have higher than normal vitamin B12, D (above 500) and I think magnesium too, though I'm not sure how about the recommended levels for that. It's under the Healthy FND living nutrition section.
You certainly can have both. Check out the list of symptoms.
Welcome to the community. x
The same with me it's not that I want to swear n things but it just kinda happens what's important is try not to apologise to any one for it I was and made me feel worse if they don't like it jog on