Better late than never! Have a great day everyone! Here's "Fridays" vlog.
Have a great day!
Better late than never! Have a great day everyone! Here's "Fridays" vlog.
Have a great day!
I'm still relatively new to this site so only just discovered the vlogs. Great idea. Will follow. My too high expectation - that I never got/have FND. Hum think I might have been aiming a bit high there. Expecting to run a marathon at the end of September. The route runs along the south side of Lough Ness. I used to be a very fit long distance runner (even thought of doing ultras). At the moment I'm hitting the treadmill in a very haphazard manner and running on it at snail's pace. My neurologist told me to keep running outside but I've had so many seizures when running outside (my seizures leave me completely paralysed and mute) that I kept ending up in A&E with all my nice running gear chopped off me. People would find me and think I was dead or dying. Kinda annoys the doctors when your vital signs are normal and then you pop up 3 hours later and walk away (half naked).