Feeling Cold with Functional Movement... - Functional Neurol...

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Feeling Cold with Functional Movement Disorder.

LEEJUNFAN profile image
15 Replies

Hi there!

Does anyone experience cold hands,

shivering and feeling really cold

with FMD?

I've also had low blood pressure.

Thank you.


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LEEJUNFAN profile image
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15 Replies
giltnane profile image

hi Kim I often feel clod I don't think it's any thing to do with FND I'm pretty slim and not extra meat so I feel the cold have my dressing gown all the time. but has poickets to put glasses in and very comfy. xx

purest1 profile image

Yes, cold hands and feet. I always need a blanket or sweater. I am currently also experiencing a lot of stiffness and it feels like my knees and legs will give out.

cathys20 profile image

I too have cold hands and feet ALL the time, and yes feeling like I have the chills and no fever. Not sure if it FND as I have other issues. High blood pressure is my culprit, was hospitalized with it this week for two days. Causing all sorts of ugly problems. God BLess, Cathy :-)

LEEJUNFAN profile image

Thank you all for your kind replies.

You never know what this condition

throws at you next.

Feel like a Jack in the box!

Thinking of you all.

Gods Blessings.

Kim xx

Seaotter2020 profile image
Seaotter2020VolunteerFND Hope

Yes, but it turned out to be low cortisol and I needed an adjustment of my thyroid. Maybe having your hormones checked will help.

LEEJUNFAN profile image
LEEJUNFAN in reply to Seaotter2020

Thank you.

I'll mention that to my GP.

Kind Regards

Kim xx

Seaotter2020 profile image
Seaotter2020VolunteerFND Hope in reply to LEEJUNFAN

Good luck to you! Hope you feel better soon.

LEEJUNFAN profile image
LEEJUNFAN in reply to Seaotter2020

Hi there!

I'm having blood tests done on Monday.

They're checking for

Liver and Kidney issues

which could be causing

my chills.

Will keep you informed.

Hope you're ok.

Best Wishes!



CindyG1205 profile image

I have very low pressure in the evenings until early mornings and although I live in Texas and its summer my hands, feet, and me are also freezing during those times. Turning on the heater, layering socks, piling blankets does not work. I don't know if it's caused by my FND or that I also have LUPUS.

Tewa profile image

Hi Kim,

I also have cold hands, body chilling and a weird cold, crawling sensation in my right calf. None of this is in any way easy to live with.

Know that you are not alone. So many on this site with such good support.


heli65 profile image

My daughter (21) has been diagnosed with FND, no feeling on left side, chronic fatigue, bladder problem, jolts, speech difficulties, can't walk far and 'unfit' for work.

Always cold, hands especially

Helen (mum) 😕

Hi Kim, I had this problem for a long time. It was esspecially hard to keep warm in bed. Turned out that it was Ibuprofen that was causing the problem! Stopped it and the problem went away! Wish I had known sooner.

Hope its as simple to find a solution for you.

Best wishes, Mel

marky-50 profile image

Hi, Kim I have got a hormone disease called aids sons disease which causes cold hands and feet so maybe you should have a full blood test to check everything is o.k. with your hormones.i also get pins and needles in my legs and knees and I have been diagnosed with and as my balance is bad and I have throbbing sensation on my right side of my head.

LEEJUNFAN profile image

Hi there!

I've had a full blood count done before but not specifically hormones.

I will check that out thank you.

Hope you had a lovely Christmas and we wish you a healthy and happy 2017.

Best Wishes!

Tony & Kim xx

I did. I was freezing all the time. Especially in bed. Turned our the Ibuprofen was lowering my temperature! I was much warmer when I stopped taking it but was too sore without it so I now get long acting Ibuprofen that I only have to take one daily. ( I still have all my other pain killers) I don't feel nearly so cold now.



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