FND - Can no longer poop! Help! : Hello, I was... - FND Action

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FND - Can no longer poop! Help!

RachelDawson2020 profile image
8 Replies

Hello, I was diagnosed with FND Oct 2019. All the typical symptoms you read about. However, since June 2020, I have been unable to pass any stools, only if they are liquid. My bowel has literally stopped working! Never in my life have I had a problem with going to the toilet. My problem is, my tablets are being flushed out. Doctors say it’s in my head?!?! Please help! Xxxxx

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RachelDawson2020 profile image
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8 Replies
sykgirl profile image

How can that be in your head? Honestly why do these people bother becoming doctors if they don't intend to help people?! Why are they too scared to say "I've not come across this before. I need to educate myself about it"?!

I've had the same problem for nearly a decade. I am lucky that someone bothered to take the time with me to work out what is going on and help me find practical solutions. In exactly the same way that I can't feel my legs because my nerves and brain are not communicating properly, the nerves that tell you "you need to poop" and the nerves that tell the muscles in the appropriate areas "it's time to get to work" are not communicating with my brain properly. So basically I never feel like I need to go. Same with my bladder. The main solution is sitting on the loo at the same time every day and rubbing my belly to stimulate the muscles (I have a puzzle book in there, because it takes a while). Our bodies love rhythm and routine, and soon takes the hint that this is poop o'clock. If I haven't gone by day 3 I start taking Senna tablets before bed. If I haven't gone by day 6 I resort to Lecicarbon (prescribed), but it rarely comes to that these days.

I think like everything else with FND, you have to completely rethink how you live your life, but eventually you find a way that works for you. I hope you find what works for you soon 🤞

RachelDawson2020 profile image
RachelDawson2020 in reply to sykgirl

Thank you for your message! I really appreciate it!! Xx

cocoferraro profile image
cocoferraro in reply to sykgirl

I totally agree with you, my doctor said to me with FND you either get it, or you don,t. Its really good to hear you speak so well about FDN, I agree totally with what you say and the way of dealing with constipation. Our bodies do indeed love rythem and routine, and we just have to be aware of how our bowels are functioning, at what time etc, and deal with acordingly. It is so lovely to read what you have written, as you just so get it, I was diagnosed 7 years ago, and in all this time of reading FDN emails, you are the only person who just "Gets It" and gets on with it. Totally agree with you about the brain communicating with the body. You write so well. My story is too long to tell and have written and read on here every so often. With YOUR MIND SET YOU HAVE ALL THE TOOLS TO GET BETTER, but if you don,t ha-ho its not so bad if you can embrase it, good luck to you and best wishes and much luv

RachelDawson2020 profile image
RachelDawson2020 in reply to cocoferraro

Good luck to you too!! Xxxx

sykgirl profile image
sykgirl in reply to cocoferraro

Great attitude! Totally agree. Good luck and best wishes to you too 🙂

Dazza247 profile image

I suffer the same with my bladder. I can be up every 5 - 10 minutes through the night all the way through till sometimes 9 - 10am. It actually contributed to my marriage break - up. I actually had an operation to fit something called a Sacral Nerve Stimulator. It involves basically the insertion of a battery pack that stimulates your bladder. I've got to say personally the pain of using this device that made the stimulator something I couldn't use. But what it does do is cause the electrical charge that hits the nerves attached between your bum hole and your vagina. It might be worth asking your Dr if you can investigate the potential because as an epileptic with severe osteoarthritis 50 year old who has to take nearly 40 tablets and morphine did and will do suffer with constipation. But I look at it as the lesser of 2 evils. Im having it removed at the end of November

cocoferraro profile image

Hello there,

Your medication cannot be flushed out as it has already gone into your system even if you have the runs. I get times when I cannot pass stools too, they are liquid but feel that it is somehow going around the harder mass-sorry dont mean to be crude!! Your doctor can help with this too, and will agree if you explain symptoms as u did 2 me. U canget sachets with you can regulate to make u go or medicine which has a stronger effect. SORRY TO SAY IT IS ALL PART OF THE FND, I really feel for you as I know the pain etc, please go back to your GP and tell them what u said here. YOUR MEDICATON HAS ALREADY DISSOLVED SO IT CANT FLUSH OUT. Let me know what happens as wish u much luvxx

RachelDawson2020 profile image
RachelDawson2020 in reply to cocoferraro

The tablet are flushing out, I see some of them! Also my muscles are tight and spasming again, which stopped when I started taking Baclofen last spring. Urgh!!! This FND is so frustrating!! Thank you for your message! I hope you are getting sorted!! Xx

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