just a reminder - I am blocked from private messages - please use osheap646@gmail.com
for Ramp7: just a reminder - I am... - Fight Prostate Ca...
for Ramp7

Could you use your other ame and profile on FPC and possibly do PMs? I’ll try sending you one as a test. MB / Paul
Why don't you just ask them to unblock you.Unless it is a technical glitch type of problem.
Have you tried that?
Patrick, If like me, you may only be blocked from initiating PM link to members at certain forums. In other words, if the other person establishes a PM outreach, you can use PM as before. You might give it a try and see. Good Luck! Ciao - cujoe
I also can not PM/chat as well... cujoe as well... is there a theme here??
Dangerous Dave
I think likely not.
I will try pming you and Patrick
Apologies...I meant that I can not send unless someone messages me first... I can not initiate a message... neither can cujoe or patrick...
Let's see if Patrick has the identical issue.
I believe he does...cujoe as well... leftovers from participation on another forum...
Does Darryl even have the ability to fix this then?
Oh, he is "well aware" that cujoe and I can not message our followers... believe me...
It's not about him being aware.
I think the actual moderation decisions are made by the staff of health unlocked who are hired and fired by health unlocked .
Darryl may have some influence, but it's really their site and their decision.
We had all... all of us... lost our ability to message anyone before coming to FPC. The moderation team at FPC for HU has nothing to do with this, 100 % Innocent, and are unable to resolve our issues. Thanks for the help and advice...
what is FPC ?
Fight Prostate Cancer...it is this forum
ok..I thought this is advanced PCa? what is the difference????
Different forums... different views... different posters... a member can read and choose based on their own taste and philosophy..
Are the 2 diferent forums targeted at different types of patients ?
Could that be because we are 'untouchables'?
"This community is no longer actively moderated".

I do not think so...
If this is true... It is totally unacceptable! I have never seen this in all my years of internet bulletin boarding and now forums. Either ban or don't ban, but stop trying to obfuscate what you're doing because it's readily apparent!
Ridiculous... Absolutely ridiculous...