Can any one on this forum tell me how high is my PSA on cancer recurrence of 0.13 just started my Prostap injection yesterday no side effects yet?how long would the side effects start to set in?any one have any input would be greatful?
Nuray prostate recurrence 0.13 - Fight Prostate Ca...
Nuray prostate recurrence 0.13
You might want to ask this in the advanced prostate cancer community
Side effects seem to vary widely from person to person. I can only speak of my experience being on Lupron for three of the last four years. My only real side effects have been loss of libido/ED and fatigue. The fatigue is annoying but not debilitating.
How are you getting on Nuray? What really bugs me about having (or having had) prostate cancer is the differing stories and contradictions that go around. I read, and told by the urologist that PSA needs to be over 0.2 to be considered a "recurrence". I've been discharged by the urologist and told to repeat PSA 6 monthly and go back if it reaches 0.15 I'm 5 years post prostatectomy and PSA rising, highest so far 0.1
I'd be interested to hear what you were told. At current rate of rise I might hit 0.15 in another 5 years.
I'm also told my next option would be salvage radiotherapy. Again different to your story
Hi Timz,aim on my last week on Radiothereapy mate?befote I started Radiothereapy my PSA reading was 0.13 which is more near 0.1 then 0.2 that reading is still classed as Undecteted timz?as it's to small to show on any Scan available?your lucky it's taken you 5 years after surgery for you PSA to start to rise?I had my operation in March. 2015 and Sep 2016 my PSA was rising on three quartly blood test Sep being the last one before me and my urologist decided to go have Radiothereapy with hormone injections? I finish day after my birthday mat,which be 9th June 😉Hoping for positive results timz ?so consider your reading still within the undetected range of 0.1 rather then 0.2 which the standard reading for recurrence cancer.
Nuray, I realise that there are different tests for PSA. One test cannot detect anything under 0.1. The test they do on me is more sensitive and can detect anything more than 0.01. For the first year after my surgery my PSA was "less than 0.01" i..e. undetectable. On the first anniversary of my op it was detected at 0.02. After that I had several re-tests at six week intervals and they said if it went up on 3 consecutive occasions then I would be referred to an oncologist. It didn't it went up and down again, It stayed between 0.03 and 0.02 for another two years then started creeping up. It goes up but comes down but the general trend is up. The urologist said he would be worried if the rise was exponential, but it is linear. Highest so far is 0.1
but the one after 0.07.
I have read that some medics deliberately use the less sensitive test so that men don't have to go through the roller coaster I've been through. Unfortunately, once you're on it, no getting off.
It sounds like you had the same repeat test and it went up and up hence the treatment your having now. Plus also for you it was earlier. The thing I'm finding about this demoralising disease is there seems to be so many different ways the medics go about dealing with it, The more I hear about other experiences the more I wonder if they're doing the right thing for me.
I hope you get a good result from your treatment. A "cure" is still possible.
Hi Timz,thanks for you input to mate?unfortunaly there is much treatments out there apart from if you cancer for Confined to the prostate?hence why most Meds or Onc have so many different treatments available to try and Surpress the dreaded Cancer?my theory is to atack the Cancer while your body is strong rather then follow the Normal Protocol procedure that most Consultants tend to Follow?why wait tell the cancer has spread?tell you Act Use you gut feelings and read up on yr options?there are a lot of Experienced Folk on this Forum?who can guide you through your options Timz 👍
Thanks Nuray, I know from my knowledge and experience of being a lecturer in Health Care that people are generally either "Monitors" or "Blunters", Monitors cope with problems by finding out as much as they can about it and want to take control of the problem. Blunters cope with problems by trying to make themselves feel better e.g. by allowing others to make decisions and avoiding knowing too much. I've always been a monitor but realise perhaps it's best to be in the middle. Either extreme is perhaps not good. The trouble with being a blunter is you might miss some vital information and you are dependent on the (so called) experts. The trouble with being a monitor is either you think you know it all, when in fact, you don't. Or the information you get is contradictory or from ill-informed sources, (know it alls).
There are a lot of guys on this site and it's fairly easy to tell which are monitors and which are blunters, basically because monitors tend to appear well informed and tend to solve problems before they exist. Blunters just want reassurance. What they say is biased by this.
As an academic I don't accept at face value anything that anyone says on this site. I only accept information from sources which offer evidence from authoritative verifiable sources. As yet I haven't come across anyone offering expert opinion on this site sand certainly no referenced information.
I also note that know it alls tend to come across as being patronising and too dismissive of qualified opinion.
Yes your right in thinking that Timz👍As there is no known cure for Cancer?most are hopeful in some combination of treatments?I guess being Navie when it come to your own health?and what direction your told to follow Isen't the best at the Best of times either?tell me Timz you from London or states?
fortunately neither!
Side effects of Prostap for me after 14 months are still: hot flushes, night sweats, weight gain instead of muscle building, forgetfulness and lack of concentration. The side effects started with my first high dose, by which I mean the 11.25 mg, every 3 calendar monthly injection.