Diazipam !!!: Does anyone take this... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Diazipam !!!

roxyroo profile image
24 Replies

Does anyone take this tablet for fibro??

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roxyroo profile image
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24 Replies
susie59 profile image

i dont, but some migt take it for short term use , it would help with sleeping and rel;axation as its valium.

roxyroo profile image
roxyroo in reply to susie59

Ive taken it before, but the dr is not keen on it. I had some left from a while ago. Taken 1 and no stiffness at all. So think im going to ask the Dr for a short course. Hug and love to you. Helen xx

roxyroo profile image

Hi thanks for the link. Its helped alot. Hug and love to you. Helen xx

nadine1974 profile image

i do and it really helps x

I was given 30 days worth for a different health problem and it helped no end, but my GP has refused me any more saying they are addictive and need to be regularly increased as the body soon gets used to them . Blummin typical ! Find something that helps and I can't have it !



susie59 profile image

it is bound to help but care is needed as its very addictive, love and hugs to you too. x

willowmuse profile image

Yes i do, been on the same dose for quite a while though, so with everything else i take not sure its doing anything but Dr still keeps me on it, on it, 5mg twice a day xx

tofty profile image

hi roxy yes my gp has given it to me for my spasms but i only take it wen i really cant cope its wonderful xxx

siver52 profile image

I have taken this for a long while, and I still find it helps me relax. I take 2 before bed. I will occasionally swap it for Zimovane for a few nights..

Lima6MCT profile image

I normally get Diazepam on request as my GP knows that I only as a last resort for when the muscle spasms I get in my back are really, really bad & my painkillers not helping.


problem with it is that it is one of the most addictive medications

to take, but then so is every thing we take because it has to be

strong medication other wise it does not work, I am a nurse and

I know that doctors dont like to give it for any length of time.

They also dont like to give zimovane but without that I would never

sleep, and I just wish that mine would give me diazepam, as it works

I would rather sleep and have less pain than worry about addiction

but then thats just me. at least then you have some sort of life.


Tendo profile image

I've just had a 'light bulb' moment reading this! For the first time in months, on Sunday and Monday I was stiffness and pain free, but I couldn't figure out why. Now I know why. I took a Diaz on Sunday due to my anxiety. I hadn't needed Diaz for months either.

I'm going to do my own experiment with this.

N.B. My Psychiatrist told me that Diaz isn't addictive per se; mainly if you have an addictive personality.

No thats not right diaz is addictive regardless of your personality,

thats why doctors will not prescribe it unless they have to and then

as a rule for short periods.

But I would rather have a life and be without pain , and be addicted

to diaz, you cant beat the pain, but you can always have help

coming off medication cant you ??

I work in a prison as a nurse mainly with remand prisoners

who come in with a drug addiction, and they almost always

have diaz as it makes them come down from the high and

sleep it also helps with the pain they have in there bodys

when they are withdrawing from drugs.

I agree with your psychiatrist in the fact that a lot of drug addicts

have addictive personalitys, and if they where not on drugs it

would be some thing else maybe booze.. but I dont agree with

him that you would have to have an addictive personalithy to

become addictied if that was the case then most of us would

be on it. It is the most addictive medication, maybe its because

it works I dont know. but who cares if it takes the pain away.

what ever you decide I hope that you will be well as it is not

much of a life to be in pain all the time is it

I know that if my doctor told me that he would prescribe it

for my pain I would say thank you. but we are all differient.

You have to be aware that it is addictive you dont need anyone

in here to tell you that there is lots of information on the net

regarding the medication. but so is tramadol its just a bit easer

to come off.


Kirby profile image
Kirby in reply to

Hi Viv

I used to work in addictions too. I would say that all drugs have the potential to be addictive. Addictive is psychological as well as physiological, but they only become addictive physically once we have built up a tolerance. I am the living proof that it is not inevitable addictive. I have always been able to take tranx occasionally/sometimes without being addicted. I was in a situation years ago where I was taking them every day and then my body became tolerant to the dose and therefore I needed more to get the same effect. That was the only time I was addicted and stopped because I wanted them to work when I took them.

kraftyk8 profile image

Hi Roxyroo,

Diazepam is a drug that should only be taken with extreme care, for extreme anxiety, grief, or severe muscle spasm.

It very easily causes dependency and if it is taken regularly, over medium to long periods, it's efficacy becomes reduced, so more and more is needed to do the same thing.

Personally I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole, I have nursed too many people over the years, that have become dependent on it and live there lives going from one dose to the next, in a semi sedated state. It can take many months to get off it.

Most GP's will only prescribe a few low dose tablets at a time, for a specific reason and that is the most responsible way to act.

There are plenty of other options for fibro, that don't have the same effects or dependency problems.

hope that helps

happy hugs, kate, :)

I agree with every thing that Kate Has said there are a lot of


roxyroo profile image

Thanks everyone, i have taken every thing you have said. I see my dr nxt fri. So see where i go from there. Thanks again :) xxx

Suzyindahouse profile image

I have been taking 2mg Diazepam up to 3 times a day for a good while now and I take it because of all the body jerking/spasms I get as soon as I try to settle down to sleep at night. It stops my legs jumping all over the place and sending terrible pain into my back and hips. I rarely take 3 a day but normally take 2 a day one at night and one in the morning and that helps to stop my muscles gripping quite so tightly and then jerking when I sit down so it does save a lot of spilt drinks and food etc. It is a very strong drug as previously said and one that I was reluctant to start as I grew up with a mother addicted to it in the 1970's and I can remember going to school and her being sat in the chair and coming home and her still being there. It took her a good while to be able to get off the drug but she did do it in the end. The dosage she was on was a lot stronger than I use and I would only suggest that you do use it if you have not really got another more suitable option. I also take 200mgs a day of Zomorph and also take Fluoxetine but I hope that once I can get my hips replaced that I will be able to reduce the dosage of Zomorph and maybe even come off of it as I would not stay on anything any longer than I absolutely have to despite that it may seem I am on a lot of very high narcotics. If I wake up and feel I am on a good day I don't take the morning diazepam as I like to feel I am keeping a bit more in control of the drug than I could be. Good luck in sorting something out royxroo. Hugs to you from Suzy xx

Gracie59 profile image

I have been on diazepam for 10 years and wish I could manage without it.

I felt truly terrible last Friday - I woke up feeling I had been run over by a truck - such intense pain - even every little joint in my hands was sore.

I put it down to the weather. I was in a major flare and feeling unbelievably depressed.

By the evening I was feeling a bit better.

It was then that my son came up to me with an egg cup containing the diazepam and tramadol I should have taken the night before. My husband had put it in front of me, but I forgot all about it and went to bed without the addictive night meds.

Gracie59 profile image

Ooops, pressed submit before I finished.

This episode really shook me up. I had improved gradually during the day as I took all my tramadol on time.

By the time I realised what had happened, I had been without diazepam for 48 hours.

It just shows how totally addicted I am to both diazepam and tramadol.

Bigmamma43 profile image

i took diazepem for nearly 3 yrs and it was a horrible drug,. i have fybro and have had it for 23 yrs, diazepem made me suicidal and made my depression and fybro worse i could hardly get out of bed, i have now moved and have a new doctor and am now trying gabaqentin which is an anti-epilepsy drug and its slow going but it is working...........i have found a lot fo my pain is down to what i eat , im cutting out gluten and cutting down on alcohol and it is making a difference

Kirby profile image

Hi Roxyroo

I have taken Valium (now Librium) for occasionally use to help me sleep. I won;t take it more than twice a week. That way I don't get addicted. I would say most drugs have the potential to be addictive. Addictive is psychological as well as physiological, but they only become addictive physically once we have built up a tolerance. Hope this helps.


Jeannie profile image

I was given these tablets years ago. They cause panic attacks when u try to stop them. My God I suffered to come off them. Give me physical pain any day!!!!!!!!!!!!

Abbeystead profile image

You're never going to believe this but I have been taking diazepam since l963. Post natal depression was poo pooed in those days and I eventtually ended up having a breakdwon. Valium as it was called then, was my life saver and I still take it. Its part of my make up now. It's no good taking it off me, I;m 75 now. I dont take it every day and when I do its only 5mg or .7.5gms. It does help me I dont care what doctors say. Its been of more help to me than all these pain killers that are prescribed for me these days. I am obviously addicted to them now after all these years, but can leave them off if I want to,but why should I. If they make me feel comfortable then I will keep on taking them. GP gives me 28 a month. It would be cruel to take them away now.

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