FibromyalgiaFatigueabadnight - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Sorry to hear about your sleep issues.Unfortunately, when you typed your post it all came out as one word which means it is hard for people to read and know how to answer you.
And , the automatic suggestions for other posts that will have advice for you for sleep and pain can't pop up because the system can't recognise any key words.
Could I suggest you write the post again , just right the title , Bad sleep and Fatigue but remember to put in the spaces.
Then , when you get your first reply you will also be able to see a list of posts about it on the right hand side of the page which you can read as well as your own replies to get the tips from them .
Take care , Bee
I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in my late 50's and was treated for it for 20 years and it was getting worse. I threw a wobbly in the doctors in my late 70's and finally got sent to consultant, had to pay, he did scan. Results showed that 7 of my spine bones were pinching nerves and not fibromyalgi at all. Then sent to a different consultant and for 3 years given an injection in my spine. However doctor sent letter to consultant to say I needed another injection, that was 4 years ago and now top of spine going and need to be looked at, so sent 2 more letters and we haven't even had a response to first letter. I just gave up and make sure I walk my little dog twice a day to help me stay mobile and not give in to pain. Keep pushing doctor to sent you for a scan seems that's all we can do..