Post order reg@rding HQ problem ini... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Post order reg@rding HQ problem initi@l letter of @lph@bet to be repl@ced by @ symbol.

Ginsing profile image
27 Replies

This symbol to be used till further notice is received from HQ.

"Initi@l problem is @pp @pplyinng Incorrect letters to st@ff correspondence"

HQ will @dvise of correct method @S@P

Written by
Ginsing profile image
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27 Replies

Th@nk you for letting us @ll know Gins @s I w@s beginning to think I w@s going m@d :o

:) xxxsi@nxxx :)

Ginsing profile image

It w@s @ curios memo w@asn't it! We will look forw@ard to the next directive to see wh@t the Guys w@nt!

Good to see you Zen w@s feelin kind@ lonely :)

hamble99b profile image

Hiy@, this is s@ndr@,

H@viing h@d th@t in the p@st, it c@n be h@rd to @dapt to. Hope it c@n be fixed @s soon @s it c@n be.


s@ndr@ :D

Lucyhobbit profile image
Lucyhobbit in reply to hamble99b

Don't you me@n @d@pt? ;)

hamble99b profile image
hamble99b in reply to Lucyhobbit

oops! dr@t :)

Ginsing profile image

Hiy@ S@n,

Good to see you @bout, this is a str@nge old do! M@ybe Md@isy c@n shed some light on the problem.!


bren876 profile image

L@L this is m@king my eyes g@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ All funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm happy to play along but y@u re@lly need t@ be @ bit m@re clever with y@ur @pril f@lls.....

So pinch punch for the first of the months...NO returns.. lol my silly friends...

sunshine hugs xxxxx

Ginsing profile image
Ginsing in reply to bren876

so ple@sed you enjoyed it :) xxxxxx

fenbadger profile image

Oh Lord, how do you cope of there isn't one of those letters in your submission? I'm not sure I will keep up with this. Wishing you the brightest breeziest time. Much fun is coming I'm sure

tettridge profile image
tettridge in reply to fenbadger

How clever to write a post without the letter in question, I find it extremely difficult.

fenbadger profile image
fenbadger in reply to tettridge

So did I but I like @ ch@llenge :P I just could not go on much more though. :P

hamble99b profile image

Why not just do it for fun for tod@y?

in reply to hamble99b

It w@s funny, sh@me it didn't l@st longer xx

bren876 profile image

L@L are you bl@mming me???????????????? xx

Fibrofoggiest profile image

Wh@t on e@rth @re you @ll t@lking @bout ¥ This is the person who h@d sever@l pic of the d@ys lined up cleverly for tod@y @nd then promptly forgot @nd then posted @s norm@l.............

l@l@l@l@l@l@l@ :o :o

Lucyhobbit profile image

H@ppy @pril the first everyone

loppyloo61 profile image

Hi Gins, Th@nks for informing us of this @d@ption. Is this @ test to further confuse my @lre@dy Foggy Br@in, there I did"nt do too b@d @fter @ll. Hoping you @re h@ving @ good d@y! I"ll Sp@re my poor hubby & boys when I le@ve them a note h@lf in short-h@nd, then compl@in when they h@a"nt done @s @sked!

You re@lly h@ve to concentr@te on this one. Th@nks gins for w@king my br@in up tod@y.

Sending positive he@ling energies your way & ((gentle hugs))) Lynn XX

hamble99b profile image

It's @ gre@t w@y to work the little gr@y cells!

TheAuthor profile image

Look @t me I @m still pl@ying!!!

fenbadger profile image
fenbadger in reply to TheAuthor

@nd it's d@ylight @uthor

Reminds me of the b@n@n@ bo@t song.

d@@@@@@@@y OH. Me s@y d@@@@-@@@@@@@yeeee ooo-ooh.

D@ylight come @nd me w@nn@ go hooo-ooome

hamble99b profile image
hamble99b in reply to fenbadger

hey! mr t@lly m@n t@lly me b@n@n@s!

fenbadger profile image
fenbadger in reply to hamble99b

W@h@y :P

Ginsing profile image
Ginsing in reply to fenbadger

love this one ****

Mdaisy profile image

Rumbled,............... :) W@s very funny !

Shazzzy profile image

Much too dificult for moi, will remove self until problem resolved, goodbye for now.!!

hamble99b profile image

I like ch@nging songs :_

b@@ bl@ck sheep

h@ve you @ny wool?

or cliff rich@rd:_

h@ppy to be @ b@chelor boy...

fenbadger profile image
fenbadger in reply to hamble99b

Wow. You're on fire! :D

Not what you're looking for?