Hello and goodbye..: Hi everyone, some... - Fertility, Miscar...

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Hello and goodbye..

Georgina78 profile image
37 Replies

Hi everyone, some of you lovely ladies will remember me and I see there's lots of new members who won't as I haven't been on here for some months now following our 4th ivf cycle which ended in a chemical pregnancy.

I just wanted to pop on because this forum was such a huge huge source of support whilst we were going through over 2 years of fertility treatment, I honestly don't know what I would have done without it at times!

Today we had a final appointment with our consultant, we'd actually waited since May for this follow up (nhs is amazing but they're so stacked out!) To be honest we did question why we even still wanted to go along to this appointment because we've decided not to pursue any more treatment and instead have decided adoption is the right path for us now. However we wanted to talk to the doctor about options for my endometriosis going forward and are glad we did as he was very helpful and it has brought some 'closure' for us.

He actually said if I were to do ivf now I would only have a 1 in 5 chance of success (it was 1 in 3 originally) We appreciated his honesty and left feeling positive that we've made this decision and we'll (hopefully!) be on another journey to parenthood soon.

I just wanted to wish all you lovely ladies (& men!) all the luck in the world on your route to being mummy's & daddy's. It's a really tough path with so many highs and lows along the way but I hope it will be worth it for lots of you. I may still pop in from time to time, especially if I can offer anyone any advice but I'll see how that goes, I'm not sure how appropriate that will be having decided to cease treatment.

Lots of love, you're all warriors xxx

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Georgina78 profile image
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37 Replies
NDE1987 profile image

Hi Georgina, firstly thank you for all your help that you gave me during my cycles. I just wanted to wish you all the best in your next chapter. Please do keep in touch and would be lovely to hear about your adoption plans. This journey is seriously so hard. But without amazing people like you mine would have been harder. All the best xxx

Georgina78 profile image
Georgina78 in reply to NDE1987

Aw thank you Hun, that's lovely of you to say and ditto! You also helped me too, this is an amazing place. How are things going with you? I have no idea where everyone is up to and I feel bad that I deserted everyone but I needed to mental break from all things fertility I think. Hope you're ok 😘 xx

NDE1987 profile image
NDE1987 in reply to Georgina78

Don't worry your not alone! I don't come on this site much either. It's only if I receive an email notification then I read some comments. But with me I am having some NK cells testsed next month to see if I have any issue there. So far I have had two failed IUIs and two failed ivf. I just want to know nothing else is wrong before we start out FET. I am scared of a childless future but it's so good that you found that adoption is right for you x

Georgina78 profile image
Georgina78 in reply to NDE1987

You're definitely right to try and rule anything out or find answers you can then address, it's so hard to just keep going through it and getting the same outcome 😕 I really hope you get some answers and it spells success for you next time. Everything crossed for you xx

NDE1987 profile image
NDE1987 in reply to Georgina78

Thank you hun, I hope so to. I also feel my endromesosis is stopping me for being pregnant. I think I have Implantation issues. But if it all comes back fine then I have no idea!! X

Hello lovely and yes I remember you, glad you are happy and are moving on with your exciting new path. Wishing you the very best and would love to see updates on how your getting on xxx

Georgina78 profile image
Georgina78 in reply to

Thanks so much button, I will pop on to provide updates! We're going to get our house in order then start the process but we've been to a couple of information evenings and it feels very positive for us.

How are you doing? Hope your lovely pregnancy is going smoothly and you're feeling well xxx

in reply to Georgina78

Glad all is well. I am doing ok thanks almost 19 weeks now and finally started to relax and enjoy all the changes happening xxx

Georgina78 profile image
Georgina78 in reply to

Aw that's great button, really pleased for you and hope it continues to go well xx

7AVA profile image

I'm probably a new member to you Georgina but I just wanted to wish you all the very best with the process. As I'm still in my ivf journey (2nd attempt) it's good to hear from people who are coming out the other side with hope and positivity. Whatever happens in our journey that's what I aiming for so thank you for sharing xxx

Georgina78 profile image
Georgina78 in reply to 7AVA

Thank you 7AVA, yes it's definitely a feeling of coming out the other side after what has been at times a dark tunnel. Glad to have been helpful, I hope this cycle works for you and you get your dream. Lots of love xx

Wishing you all the luck in your new journey xx

Georgina78 profile image
Georgina78 in reply to

Thanks Tamtam,I hope you're ok and the situation with your sister isn't too painful xx

in reply to Georgina78


It wasn't so bad I think, it was hard and I still wishing was me but I suppose GOD has his plan, just wish he would fill me in x

Georgina78 profile image
Georgina78 in reply to

I know, you just wish you knew what the reason was don't you. Just got to keep faith that there is one I guess.. xx

I remember you- you've been an amazing support to many including myself, you will be very missed.

I'm so sorry for your chemical Pregnancy , I had one in July I have complete sympathy for your loss. Its something we never get over- just learn to live with it. Urgh.

I'm so glad you've made a decision that you seem at peace with and I want to wish you the best with it all. That child will be very lucky to have you as a mum.

And thank you for all the support you've given me over the years xoxo

Georgina78 profile image
Georgina78 in reply to

Thank you for your lovely words jess, that's so sweet of you to say 😘 so sorry to hear you had a chemical too..I hate that term as I think it downplays the pain but those who have been through it understand that loss. Hope you're doing ok after that, will you be carrying on? Hope things work out for you, you really deserve it xxx

It is sadness of what couldve/ should've been. It may only have been cells but it was still a life and it was inside of you. It makes even harder when it's been so fought for and wanted...

I said to my hubby it's a bump in the road and it's not the end! Our baby is worth fighting for 😘

We are trying again- we've taken huge comfort from the fact we managed to conceive naturally after six years of trying - our issue was was undiagnosed endometriosis once that was treated we conceived prior that it was labeled "unexplained infertility" our first consultant he wasn't interested in finding out the cause of our infertility. 😬

. I have contacted my consultant to see if there is anything else I can do next time ( he's put me on Prednisone- raised NK and progesterone pessaries to take during pregnancy) and he can't think of anything but has suggested referring me to professor Siobhan Quenby for miscarriages and is suggesting miscarriage investigations- I'm so lucky to have such a great consultant most wouldn't refer for just one loss. He's arranging an appointment for us to discuss this further with him. Given us something to look forward and takes the pressure off us a bit!

We all deserve it lovely we have all fought hard enough!!! I pray we all get our much wanted baby- one way or another. xoxo

Georgina78 profile image
Georgina78 in reply to

It's definitely the what could have been feeling isn't it jess, I totally understand. So glad you have a great doctor though, he sounds really proactive and I hope that appointment goes well..when is it? Xx

in reply to Georgina78

I wake up every morning and the first thought I have is my lost baby I haven't even told my hubby 💔

I'm not sure I haven't had my appointment letter thank you for asking. I am very lucky to have him he's so efficient and supportive 😊 we are fortunate the only issue is my endometriosis and I'm grateful for that. xoxo

All the best to you xoxo

LHow81 profile image

Good luck on the adoption road. Xx

Georgina78 profile image
Georgina78 in reply to LHow81

Thank you LHow81 xx

Raglee profile image

Best of luck Georgina X

Georgina78 profile image
Georgina78 in reply to Raglee

Thanks Raglee xx

baby2016 profile image

Aw, hi Georgina 😊 glad to hear that you've have made your decision as what to do next. We were undecided for a while which way to go with adoption or DE, and have decided to give the DE route a try first. Wishing you a very happy future and hope you get matched with a perfect baby/child soon xx

Georgina78 profile image
Georgina78 in reply to baby2016

Thanks so much Hun, hope your DE cycle goes well and brings you the happiness you deserve. Would you consider adoption if need be? It's such a big decision but we feel very positive about it, it just all takes time doesn't it xx

sanj76 profile image

Hey Georgina, thank you so so so much for your support and we hope one day soon, you'll be blessed. I wish you s the very best for the future ok.

Georgina78 profile image
Georgina78 in reply to sanj76

Thanks so much sanj, thank you to you too. I hope your wife is well, bet you can't wait for that little one to arrive! x

sanj76 profile image
sanj76 in reply to Georgina78

No need to thank Georgina.... yeah we are super excited and looking forward to what I'm sure will be a interesting journey but one we hope we are fully equipped to deal with

Georgina78 profile image
Georgina78 in reply to sanj76

I'm sure you are, well as much as any of us would be first time anyway! It's very exciting and I hope everything goes really well for you both 😊

sanj76 profile image
sanj76 in reply to Georgina78

That's very very kind of you and we will be happy to Make an announcement in the coming weeks

Petricker profile image

Sorry for all you had to go through. Can imagine how exciting this new chapter appears for you now, your decision worth to be proud of. Wishing your family all the best x

Georgina78 profile image
Georgina78 in reply to Petricker

Thank you Petricker, its definitely exciting but nerve wracking too! 😘 How are you doing? x

Petricker profile image
Petricker in reply to Georgina78

I'm thru the nerve wracking process as well, I'm experiencing 2ww of another woman and I know only her name and age. well, never thought it would be as distressing.

have you already found out what you need to adopt a child? how much time it takes? It must be incredibly difficult..are you doing this in the UK? x

Georgina78 profile image
Georgina78 in reply to Petricker

Oh wow I bet that's hard, when it's you and you're symptom spotting it can drive you crazy but equally I imagine it's so hard not knowing what's happening with her 😳 hope it all works out..

Yes we've gathered quite a lot of information and seen a few agencies. In the uk the process from initial social worker visit to being approved is around 6 months, but then you don't know how long it will take to be matched with a child. Another waiting game but I feel that 4 cycles of ivf has made me more patient! Xx

Petricker profile image
Petricker in reply to Georgina78

Thank you Georgina!

I believe that you'll get social workers' approval easily. I can hardly imagine couples that deserve to become parents more than those who tried for years and have been through so much. At least your previous experience gave you something positive, I hope the process won't take years hun.

As far as I understand, you can't just come to an orphanage and pick up a wonderful child who needs this most? when time comes, you will be informed that you are approved to become parents of a particular child, right?

Thank you for your support. Do let us all know how the adoption process goes; I think I'll be following you in the next year or so.

Good luck for the future xx

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