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First appointment arrived! Don't know what to expect

rinsp profile image
7 Replies

Hi guys,

Hope your all doing well. So today I got confirmation of my first appointment at the reproductive medicine unit at UCLH, it's not until November but indont known what to expect?

Is this the IVF appointment or will they discuss my situation with hubby and I and then refer me on for IVF? (I have no tubes so IVF is only option to conceive).

If this his the case does anyone know how long it will take?

It feels so strange .. although if waited for this for such a long time i suddenly feel so anxious. After my miscarriage, ectopic and tubal removal I'm suddenly filled with such anxiety. Am in ready to go through another journey so soon?? I don't know.

What do I ask them??

What can I expect from the consultation?

Any advice would be appreciated. Especially from those who has had treatment at UCLH.

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7 Replies

Glad to hear things are moving along for you. I expect you will have an initial consulation where they will review everthing and then hopefully book you in for ivf as I think you have had quite a bit of investigation work already. For me it was about 6 months waiting list after all investigations. They should book you in for a group ivf meeting with other couples this is just to explain how ivf works. Have you had your fsh and amh blood tests done? They will need these to determine what protocol to put you on. I expect they will also want to do a scan to see how many follicles you have as well and to check lining etc is all okay. I expect they will book you in for a dummy embryo transfer to check all will be okay before the actual embryo transfer. Everyone at the clinic is really lovely you'll be in good hands however just make sure you keep on top of things because they are super busy so you need to keep an eye on things. I know it's so scary and totally overwhelming especially when you have had to deal with so much heart ache already. You will get through it and come out the other side. I know it's so easy to say but the best thing you can do is keep yourself busy do nice things for yourself try and focus on what's happening now rather then thinking about ivf and all stuff you can't predict or control, eat well and look after your body so your in the best possible shape xxx

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rinsp in reply to

Hey Hidden hun

Thank you for replying. Yep no have my FSH done which was 8 which is good I think but my prolactin was raised at 134. Don't known if this is because of recent miscarriages or if something is wrong.

In was just unsure if the RMU is the same as the IVF clinic??

How are you? I got my app at city pregnancy on the 7th.

in reply to rinsp

No worries you know I've been there so happy to help if you have any questions. Good news regarding fsh I think they like it under 10 not sure what your other results are though. RMU is in uclh and it is the fertility clinic. I really hope you have a better experience on the 7th and have a chance to off load. You can also ask about the counselling at uclh in Nov. I'm hoping to start ivf at the end of Sept the doc wants me to take dhea for a few weeks before hand so feeling nervous about it all and just hoping they manage to get some good eggs xxx

So sorry to hear of your losses how devastating. I have just been through a chemical Pregnancy after TTC for 6 years. Its heartbreaking 💔

I'm sure the appointment will be a chat about what your options are- you know yours is IVF- they might go through the CCG criteria to see if you're eligible for NHS funded IVF. If you are they will most likely refer you to the IVF waiting list, they might want to check your hubby's sperm to determine whether it's IVF or ICSI ( is IVF but instead of the sperm finding the egg the Dr injects the egg with sperm) , your amh levels will be tested to determine the dose of stimulation drugs you'll need, you will both need to have blood tests done- hiv etc it's a hfea regulation- not sure how long the NHs values the results ( private clinic it was 6 months but NHS might be longer) there will be consent forms for welfare of the child- again don't worry this is a hfea regulation- not a reflection on you.

I have no experience of IVF and we never qualified for NHS funded IVF. We did look into private IVF but due to abnormalities occuring in my cycle we had to cancel treatment_- eventually I was diagnosed with endometriosis and once that was treated I fell but lost the pregnancy.

I would bring a list of questions to the appointment- it's so easy to forget things! You could ask about any additional medication seeing as you've suffered losses? Some clinics will give additional medication to help ladies who've suffered miscarriages to promote a better outcome.

I've asked my consultant about additional medication I can take and I'm waiting to hear from him- I was already taking Prednisone and progesterone pessaries.

Finally having rambled on I want to wish you the very best xoxo

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rinsp in reply to

Thank you for your reply Hidden . If done some research and my CCG offer one fresh and one frozen cycle.

My husband has had his sperm analysis which is fine. My FSH was 8,local hospital didn't do AMH. Prolactin was raised at 135. LH was 3.3 and oestradiol 83. Had my RUBELLA, hep and HIS bloods done. Hubby has had his done too. In term of HSG scan,my consultant at my local fertility clinic still wants Me to have it done although I have no tubes apparently he wanted to check the integrity of the uterine cavity! Surely they can do this with a scan??

Im so sorry to hear about your loss too. It truly is such a terrible and lonely feeling.

Please stay in touch. X

in reply to rinsp

Sounds like you've made progress already then thats less waiting around!! Its funny how clinics differ with their approach.

I think scans can miss things maybe that's why he wants to be more through. A scan wouldn't have shown my endometriosis up. Scans can't show everything...

I think your consultant wants to be sure there is nothing in your uterus to prevent/ cause a miscarriage before proceeding to IVF and if there was it could be removed. He's just trying to give you the best chance 😊 he sounds like my consultant really efficient and supportive generally wants to do everything he can for you. That's nice- there are a few cowboys out there in it for a quick buck and don't care! ( Been there..)

A scan a few years ago revealed a submucous fibroid so I had an operation to have it removed and low and behold nothing there!!!! Scans aren't always accurate...

Miscarriages after a battle with infertilty are particularly cruel. There is such little support for pregnancy loss....

Glad most of your tests are all normal gives you a good chance of IVF working 😁 Maybe the clinic need to repeat the prolactin blood test and see how it is now?

Definitely keep in touch I look forward hearing how you get on xoxo

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rinsp in reply to

Yes . I'm lucky I work in an a&e department so I can get my blood tests done quite easily. There has to be some benefits for working I the NHS right.

That makes sense with regards to the HSG scan ... the radiographer initially cancelled my HSG after I informed them of my bilateral tube removal so now in will have to wait for another appointment which can take months! I just want all investigations done before I have my first appointment at the RMU.

What's the next step for you??

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