Anyone in the 2ww? It’s my 4th transfer and the wait with no symptoms other than lower back ache is killing me!!
5dp5dt anyone joining me?: Anyone in... - Fertility Network UK
5dp5dt anyone joining me?
Currently 3dp5dt 🙋🏼 absolutely no symptoms whatsoever other than I'm constantly tired, but even that's not super unusual 😂 third transfer for me, all previous ones BFN
How are you feeling? I feel strangely numb about it this time round, I'm just so used to constant disappointment and failures that I feel like I've completely detached myself from the whole process, like I've barely even registered the fact I've got two embabies in there x
Ahh yes I was shattered first 2 days, I think it was just the anticipation and emotions possibly. I got pregnant on 3rd go but unfortunately miscarried at 18 weeks under tragic uncontrollable circumstance's, devastated does not even describe it. This is our last embryo so everything crossed.
I feel fine, I just have lower back ache but also had no symptoms last time either. I feel shattered but that could be the heat (uk) or just that I’m relaxing not doing much!!
I'm so sorry you went through that loss, that must have been heartbreaking. I lost a natural pregnancy very early on as it was ectopic about 2 years ago, and I still have days where the grief absolutely floors me, so I can't even imagine what it would be like for you to lose yours at 18 weeks 💔
The heat won't be helping either of us will it, it's so hot! Which also concerns me with the medications, they all say store below 25degrees, but it's been pushing 30 where I am. I've been trying to keep the house as cool as possible with all the curtains shut all day and fans blasting.
Did you have absolutely no symptoms at all when you got your positive? Ive never had a positive test since my ectopic, all my transfers have been negative with zero symptoms each time. I know people say it can still work with no symptoms but I'm sceptical about that being true and feel like people just say that to make me feel better. whenever I have no symptoms I'm convinced it's not worked. I hate that this journey has made me think the worst of everything x
I had my 8th transfer Monday. I've been very relaxed this time. We unfortunately miscarried at 6 weeks on our last trasfer. Test day Friday 9th xx
Ahh we are the same, I have bloods Wednesday and urine test Friday too! Sending all the positivity xx how you feeling? Any symptoms? I have none just a bit of an achy back.
I'm on a natural transfer and feel pretty much the same as I did the last time. I have a bloated tummy & tiredness. I keep saying I can feel my uterus which when I've done medicated fets and negatives, I never got any feelings at all. Natural is definitely better for me xx what type of transfer are you on xx
I’m doing a modified natural cycle, so have have the stims and trigger injection. To support transfer estrogen & progesterone. I’ve felt tired and achy back. Other than that not had symptoms. I suppose we have to let natur takes its course but the wait is just so hard! Xx
I didn't have stims and trigger. I think my cycles have turned out to be regular enough to just have progesterone and clexane support. It's a nail biting time. Like I said I feel like I can feel my uterus it's probably just bloating though. Me and my husband have barely talked about this transfer just holding our breaths x
Ahh same, we haven’t talked much either. Just a horrible waiting game xx
Have you caved to testing yet? X
No I never test early, I wanted to last time but my husband stopped me. X
Last time was the only one I didn't test early and we got the positive but obviously then lost. If I said I wanted to test he would let me. I'm just in a bit of symptom limbo. We did the deed and now I'm cramping which also mimics the last cycle. Limbo is killing me this time. Natural cycles have definitely resulted in more 'symptoms' for me but who knows how things will turn out x
Ahh I know, it’s driving me mad. I’ve been feeling sad all day today but have no idea why, bloody meds!!
I’m not in my 2ww but I’m having my transfer on Monday. The tww is the worst part of the whole thing for me. I swear I’m totally sane and then I have an embryo transfer and it’s all I can think about. I’ve never had any symptoms really, even the meds don’t seem to affect me. I feel entirely normal so if I did suddenly have symptoms I would 100% be reading into them. Wishing you lots of luck and sanity during the 2ww!
Hey, 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼 for everyone! I’m 3dp3dt we had two put back in. High Fragmentation. First cycle, age 40. Im so bloated
ahh all the best, just rest up and tc xx