Hi ladies,
just wanted to ask if anyone had very very faint line 13dp5dt which led to successful pregnancy?
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Hi ladies,
just wanted to ask if anyone had very very faint line 13dp5dt which led to successful pregnancy?
There is a faint line Retest in a couple of days using your 1st pee of the day as it is the most concentrated then Keep taking any meds you have been given as directed
Thinking of you
I had this from day 7 through to 13 following a 5day FET. My OTD was 15 post transfer on a medicated cycle and by that point my tests were negative. I’m sorry you’re going through this, it’s the worst feeling in the world staring at those light tests and waiting for the time to pass. I hope yours gets darker.
Mine turned out to be a chemical. Wishing you luck 🤞
mine also turned out to be a chemical the lines didn’t get any darker, it’s the worst feeling in the world and hard to accept it. I hope you have a better outcome there is always a bit hope! Wishing you all the best
Hello Lili84, how are you feeling? Have you been able to consult with your clinic, have they offered you some beta hCG testing? I hope you're holding up and you had some positive news! x