Stings after a while - anyone else experienced this?
fyremedal : Stings after a while... - Fertility Network UK

yeah, totally normal. it’s not fun is it. Good luck with your cycle!

Try relaxing before injecting - deep breathing right before putting needle in.Vary injection site and gently pat after completing injection then reward yourself with your favourite sweetie.
Hope this helps
Hi lovely, I had really great advice from a nurse at our clinic. Put ice on the area before the injection to numb the area, the stinging didn’t happen after that 😀
I hope it works for you too
thanks guys - aren’t we just supposed to inject it under our stomachs though
yes omg stings I did my injections last week and noticed the same thing it wasn’t like the pen which I found painless. You’ll get used to it, I used to Pat down with pressure with a wipe and pain would fade after 5 mins x