Hi all, I’m currently 10dp3dt of 2 embryos. I’ve had some common ‘symptoms’ that could just be the progesterone (tingling/cramping in lower left abdomen early on, lower right back pain, light AF-like cramps on and off but no spotting at all, slightly larger boobs on and off, a little dizziness ) but the main one has been extreme tiredness that’s getting progressively worse - I’m exhausted every day from mid-afternoon and after any amount of exertion (floored by about 10 minutes of car hoovering yesterday and about a quarter of my usual house-cleaning stint the day before). I’m wondering if this could be just the progesterone or if it might signify the progesterone plus progesterone my body is producing itself due to a single or twin pregnancy. I know it could be either but wondering if anyone has any thoughts, experience or advice. I’ve managed to not post until now, which I’m pretty proud of 😛 OTD is Friday and I’ll be waiting till then - the uncertainty of early testing could be the final straw for me at this point I think 🤪 thanks in advance!!
Extreme tiredness 2ww - progesterone ... - Fertility Network UK
Extreme tiredness 2ww - progesterone only or something more positive?

Omg! I just logged back on to this forum after a whole year break and now at 8dp5dt to see if anyone is feeling as tired as i am and why! Ive been feeling so exhausted and just like you did a little bit of cleaning and cant get up! I reckon its a side effect of all the meds. Im testing on Sat and the wait is eating me up!
All the best
Thanks for your reply Sumadi, good to hear I'm not alone! I think it definitely could be just the progesterone (plus I've had bad side effects to all the meds, so I think I'm probably quite sensitive to them), but I'm hoping it's also something more positive, for both of us! Part of it is not knowing what extreme tiredness means to people, it's quite subjective. And I think this is the first time I've really felt that tangible tiredness sweep over me, so wondering if it's just the normal tiredness people talk of, or maybe more a sign that both my embryos took - really reaching for the stars here ;p Hope the next few days go quickly for you anyway, and that we both get good results on Friday and Saturday, we're nearly there!
Hi. Just thought id check in to see how you are doing?
My tiredness has really gone better over the last few days. Not sure what that means but testing day is nearly here!
Hi! Thanks so much for checking in! I actually think I’m doing a bit better as well the last couple of days, glad to hear you are too. My OTD is tomorrow 😬 I’m getting nervous now!! Hope you’re doing well, I guess we’ll know soon enough, fingers crossed for both of us!!
I guess the tiredness was just the progesterone for me - negative for me this morning ☹️ Hope you do better tomorrow!
I’m now 11 weeks with twins from a double embryo transfer and it was the first sign I could perhaps put my finger on that meant it might have worked - asleep by 830pm every night and having to nap in my lunch hour (luckily working from home 🤣) - of course it could also have been the stress of the whole process 🤣
I’m also have a lot more dizziness now than I did if I stand up too quick etc
Thanks for your reply and congrats on your pregnancy! You’re nearly at the 12 week mark, fantastic! That definitely sounds like me, including the dizziness, although it’s eased a little over the last couple of days. Hoping I’ll have the same luck tomorrow on OTD. And yes, one of the big benefits of remote working has been how much easier it’s made the last 7 weeks. This is my first round and I think I’ll find it so much harder if I have to do a second round back in the office. A definite benefit to working from home!