Hi Girls! Should I do IVF treatment on NHS or a private clinic? What is your experience with that? Thank you.
NHS or PRIVATE CLINIC: Hi Girls! Should... - Fertility Network UK

I had my ivf via a hospital under NHS and by ivf with a private clinic on the NHS.
I would say try to find out your waiting list time if this is a factor.
I waited about a month or so for my iui appointment but then was straight into treatment. I was refered for ivf on the day of my last iui transfer (she had lots of faith lol) and had my appointment 3 weeks later and again practically straight into treatment (had a few weeks wait due to period timing).
The NHS hospital wasnt the best environment, didn't seem like they had a lot of time to explain things and appointments didn't run that much on time and the times to book them weren't that flexible... but I'm thankful for all they did.
The private place was a lot more modern and they had a lot more time, I can only imagine the experience would be the same if self funded. They always had a range of times that were suitable and even more important, they offered early morning so working around work wasn't as issue, they also offered treatments (if in line with your protocol, on weekends.
All the best xxx
It totally depends on your circumstances and whether or not you qualify for NHS treatment and also, if you do, what the waiting list is and if you’re prepared to wait. I didn’t qualify for NHS treatment due to my age and my husband’s circumstances so we went straight to private. I know people who have had it on the NHS and have had success. Have a look at the criteria in your area xx
It depends entirely on your ability to tolerate the waits versus your financial situation. Ivf is v expensive so most people would go for their funded cycle first (if they are lucky enough to get one). In Manchester the funded and private treatment happens at the same place so no difference there. Although anecdotally they seem to be able to Taylor the treatment more when private. NHS they seem to just "suck it and see", I dont know what others think. Good luck! Xxx
We’ve found the NHS in London to be amazing. The nurses and doctors are great and do take the time to explain everything. The only issue is when they give you an appointment for a consultation or a scan or injection teach there’s very little flex. As you’d expect when they are so saturated with people. If you need to be able to dictate when you can get away from work etc, then private may be for you. Good luck! X
My clinic was a privately run clinic within an nhs hospital so it also took nhs patients. I had nhs funding for round 1 and paid for my second round. I had absolutely no difference in attitudes of staff or service at all. I think they are all there because
they really want to help people fulfill their wish to be parents.
The first round is almost a gamble, they can make an educated guess about which meds to put you on through stims but there is no guarantees how your body will actually respond to it. They learn a lot from the first round to improve your chances for your next round (unless you are super lucky and it works first time!) so I’m glad we didn’t pay for first round.
Also depending what you need, the costs can really stack up. Personally we needed to pay additional costs for highest dosage of meds and for sperm donor. We wouldn’t have been able to afford a second round ourselves. You could save yourself around £6000-£7500 by having the nhs round which means you may be able to afford more rounds altogether and increase your chances.
I’m proud of and a big promoter of the nhs however if money is absolutely no concern at all then going private may mean your initial appointments are sooner.
Best of luck whatever you decide xx