Hi, I’ve made it to 8dp5dt without any sign of AF - I’ve had dull aches and twinges that have come and gone since transfer and I was convinced that AF was about to start any moment 🙈 I took my temperature on waking this morning and it was 36.5 degrees C (between 36.8-36.9 since transfer) which is making me think that period is imminent. Cramps have become more intense and are coming and going but no bleeding, not even spotting. I’ve read a few posts where this has happened to women round about 8/9dp5dt and everything was ok? Just trying to cling on to a little hope that it’s not all over for us yet 🙈
8dp5dt - severe cramping 😞 - Fertility Network UK
8dp5dt - severe cramping 😞

I don’t really have any advice, just wanted to say, I’m having the same symptoms, I’m 5dp5dt and feel like AF will show up any minute. Hoping we both get what we want. Xx
I had the exactly the same when I was 8dp5dt. I am now on day 12dp5dt. My test date was 9dp5dt and I got a positive result on my test day. I had a frozen cycle done😊x
I can’t conment on the temp stuff but lots of people have cramping that feels like period (including me) and get a BFP. Good luck hun xx
Fingers crossed for us all. I feel the same too at 5dpFET, test day is day 10 (Saturday)
🤞🤞 for u. So hard to say as sure had that both other times and 1 bfp and another a bfn. Sorry I know unhelpful but know can def b a good thing 🤞🤞 for ur bfp xx
Thanks ladies really appreciate the responses, I’m just really aware that this was the time during my first 2Ww that I got my period, I’ve had dull aches thinking oh no AF is coming but they came to nothing and today have been so sharp and as soon as they calm down just start straight back up again 😩 I haven’t started bleeding yet and not even spotting so I’m clinging on to a tiny thread of hope that it’s not over yet 🤞🙏🏻
Hoping you all get your longed for BFP’s 🤞 xxx