Hello everyone
Today Is 9dp6dt of my third tranfer.
I know most people get reliable results this far after transfer so I decided to test this morning using my first urine of the day.
I started by using the first response test which gave me a very faint second line. I hope you can see it too. This never Happened to me before, this is my first hint of a BFP.
Because it was so faint I used other cheaper tests to see what they say, and both are negative.
My questions are:
- any chance the first test is a false positive ?
- because my transfer was 9 days ago, is this more likely to be a chemical pregnancy that it is still showing on the very sensitive test, or maybe the embryo implanted very late? It was a hatching blastocyst, so I would expect it to implant quite soon after transfer...
Your opinions are very wellcome.
I will be certainly testing again tomorrow xx