I am 5 weeks pregnant after a fet and I started bleeding today. It's got lighter now though. No pain just sensitive boobs and sick feeling. So worried!
5 weeks and spotting: I am 5 weeks... - Fertility Network UK
5 weeks and spotting

Have you had your first scan hun?! Maybe best to ring your clinic and see what they say but bleeding can be completely normal so try not to worry x

Hi Ticktack. Oh dear! I know it won’t be much consolation, but this is very common, and often a cause cannot be found, as all soon settles down again. Any bleed is more noticeable when you have been lying down for a while, as it tends to collect and “puddle”. All you can do is rest when you can, and keep using your pessaries/gel if they have been prescribed for you. Let’s hope it is just a hiccup, soon settles down, and continues OK. Diane
Thanks ladies, it has lightened but not sure??? I have a scan for nextweek Monday. That will be my 6 week scan. You mentioned if I was lying for a while it created a puddle. Yesterday I was literally in bed all day sleeping watching movies so it could be that. who knows? Weird crampy feeling in my belly! I might move my scan to Friday so I can know earlier than later. Fingers crossed. thankyou for the support. X
Just had my scan I have been cramping and spotting all week. There is a heartbeat! I'm So relieved. It's been so stressful and suffered a lot of anxiety. Nurse recommended resting and taking it easy at work. I'm going back and cutting down. Two more weeks to go until next scan. Very nerve-racking. Argh here we go again! X

Obviously, keeping everything crossed. Diane
Thinking of you Ticktack and have everything crossed x
Thankyou all x
So since yesterday my symtoms are: my spotting and bleeding turned brown when I got home from work. Later in the evening it stopped. Cramps have gotten intense and woke up in the night because of them. This morning cramps in belly and no bleeding. It's feing uncomfortable but decided on not to go to work. Resting up. Praying all is ok.
Just to add to wot others have said so sorry to hear you have some bleeding I know how scary that is when you're early pregnant. I bled very heavy (like a period) at 7 weeks and really believed I'd lost the pregnancy, anyhow i hadn't and he is now healthy 16 years old boy.My sister also bled at 5 weeks and was told she was losing the pregnancy and nothing she could do but went on and had my niece whose nearly 2 years old. Some women do bleed in pregnancy and have healthy babies. Day off resting sounds like just wot you need. Hope the bleeding and cramping calms down. If you are at all concerned contact your clinic or GP Xxx
Thankyou so much I've stopped spotting but cramps remain. Have an appointment with gp. Let's see how it goes.
Bless you I bet your on pins. Try to take it easy and keep us updated. I have everything crossed for you xx