Hi all, Looking for some advice. We’ve just started our third round of IVF (1st: BFN 2nd: Chemical). On long protocol and taking buserlin for down regulation. Had my suppression scan on Tuesday (day 12 of down regs), was told my lining was still too thick and to continue on meds and have another suppression scan on Tuesday. Dr said it was nothing to worry about as sometimes it just takes longer than 10-14days to suppress. However, I feel concerned as to why it’s different this time. Maybe over thinking it but curious if anyone else has had the same experience. Also, my bleed (whilst on buserlin) was unusually long, a full 7 days. Told dr, they weren’t concerned.
On another note, I’ve now lost my voice and am worried that being poorly will negatively effect the IVF process. I think I’m very anxious now as it’s the third round. TIA.