I am 7dp5dt FET and so far tested bfn ☹️. When did you get your bfp? I am keen to know if anyone had a bfn at day 7 and later a bfp? Thanks!
When did you get your bfp? - Fertility, Miscar...
When did you get your bfp?
A friend of mine had a BFN at 9dpt, a faint line at 10dpt and a slightly darker one at 11dpt.. that line is now 6 months old. x
I'm exactly in the same situation. I tested at 7dpFET but was bfn. I'm now waiting and hoping, 2 days left. I haven't tested again, just going to wait and see on Saturday. My last one I actually waited the full 2 weeks and got a bfp, she's now 11 months. I must be mad putting myself through it all again so soon. Hold off and see if you can wait a few days. I did read implementation can take place on day 6 therefore your levels won't be high enough yet. Good luck
Thanks for your response. Wishing you the best of luck! I have tested again this morning as yesterday’s wasn’t first morning urine and it’s still negative. I really feel like it’s over for us this time as it’s nearly 8dtp5dt and the test is absolutely negative.
I think I am going to try and wait now until OTD which is Sunday and try to focus on other things. I just need to keep myself busy and stop overthinking everything!