I’ve had cramping this morning and brown discharge. Is this the end? I tried to do a pregnancy test but the control line didn’t appear and that was the only one I had so will buy some today and will do another test tomorrow morning. I barely slept last night worrying and now this! Argh 😖 xxxxx
TMI sorry but had to share! - Fertility, Miscar...
TMI sorry but had to share!

When is your OTD? I know it’s super hard and last transfer I tested early but try not to if you can. I can’t talk from experience but I’ve read lots of ladies stories about spotting and light bleeding early on and the fact that brown is old blood. Obviously there’s no way of knowing for certain bit keeping everything crossed for you xxx
Also the first time I was pregnant naturally I had cramping a couple of days before I tested so was convinced my period was coming ! No bleeding but what I thought were clearly period pains x
Thanks hun, but it’s on the 17th and I’m on 9 days since 5 day transfer so it shouldn’t be an implantation bleed I think my last transfer followed the same pattern before I got my full blown period on OTT. I always get loads of before pms. I guess I will know for definite tomorrow morning xxxThanks anyway hun xxxx
Aw I’m sorry honey! Holding onto every bit of hope for you! Your OTD is really long ours is 11 days so mine is Wednesday 18th just a day after yours!Xx
Also thought maybe pessaries causing irritation! 🤔 🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽
Thanks hun, I’m literally sat in bed contemplating what to do next. It’s mad how discharge and some cramping and drive you to such misery. It’s cause I had very similar issues last time when my fresh transfer failed and around the same time. So gutted really! Xx
I get that!! I felt the same with my last FET two nights before OTD I had pink spotting the tiniest amount and cramping and I just went into complete negative head told myself it was over and felt shite! In a way it prepared me for the result two days later but still so rubbish! I just hope you get a good outcome honey! X
Your OTD is a full 2 weeks after a 5 day transfer 😶Will be rooting for a positive outcome for you! I saw a little bit of brown blood on my pessary applicator a day before my OTD which was also 2 weeks post day 3 transfer and I was convinced it was AF arriving
I ended up with a BFP and currently 15 weeks. Hope it all goes well for you. 🙏🏾
This all sounds very normal for early pregnancy, I wouldn't worry. Its also not too late for implantation bleeding thats normal around days 7-10. Congratulations x

Thankyou but feel so deflated and low! I’ve been crying all morning xxx
I saw some brown blood when I was inserting my pessaries too. I was around 9 days past 5 day transfer. I also had really bad cramping a day or two before. My doctor told me it was totally fine for both cramping and blood. She explained that the blood could either be from implantation or the pessaries (irritated cervix). I then started taking my pessaries via ‘back door’.