Hi just wondering if anyone had a success story or if I am just clinging to a false hope...
We had a failed ivf cycle in December 2020.
I have been put on the medication PTU as suspected hyperthyroidism after had hypothyroid.
Had period 3 Rd day after I stopped the.hormones back in December 29 th and had a normal 4-5 day period.
Then tried to do a deed from 6 to 15 days after that.
Used ovulation strips and ovulated according to it. Felt pains in both ovaries as well..
Now I am 6 days late for my projected period ( as per Ovia app) was due to start Tuesday... It's Sunday now. 6 days late.
I was never irregular before this.
Have feeling and wetness down there getting worse every day I think gosh period is here ( but no blood.) Extremely tired!!!! and tingling nipples on and off and stuffy nose and phlem sometimes in my throat. But not having cold..
Could I be pregnant?
Anyone had this or is it my body not adjusted yet?
Surely having a first period after a failed ivf should put things back on track right? Especially after my ovulation packs worked and I allegedly ovulated?
Had weord pulling and on and off cramps but not like a period ones...
Tha k you for sharing experiences.
Searching for a hope.... Will test with a digital on Wed the 9 th Feb....