It's been a long year: Brief history... - Fertility, Miscar...

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It's been a long year

5 Replies

Brief history

1st time poster, 38 years old, 3 miscarriages before 12 weeks, diagnosed with blood clotting disorder, trying again since 01.03.2019.

So my issue is I'm struggling to fall pregnant again I have a treatment plan in place for when I can but I just cant seem to get that BFP. Each month I get strong symptoms 2 weeks prior to my period which I did not have last year. I have a bit of weight to lose so I'm eating healthy and going to the gym to take my mind off things and to hopefully improve my chances but each month brings disappointment. I've even put my partner on a healthy eating and excercise routine (even though he is thin) better him = better sperm. I'm really here for a moan as everyone is fed up of me going on about it and they keep saying it will happen when it happens. It's just I feel I'm getting on abit and this may never happen. Moan over have a lovely day people.

5 Replies

Hi yes I'm in the same boat Im 39 I've had 3 mmc at 12/13w no issues found. Our last mmc was 5th Jan 19 I've had nothing since I've always done exercise and ate healthy but in the last 9w I've dropped 24lbs my partner has lost the same aswel. We have done the supplement and aspirin route before my last pregnancy and some different supplements this time around. I'm not giving up but really feel that it's not going to happen, I've got 2 kids 13&11 so no IVF for us he has none, I just feel I've ran out of options. End of Oct is a year since we last conceived I feel time is running away from me and my life is on hold I had said when we first started in June 2017 I would give it until I'm 40 which is March but now I feel I've got a deadline and presure.

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You totally seem to get me. Congrats on losing 24lbs. I've told myself losing weight is for me and my health with hopefully a surprise built in. My last time conceiving was july 2018 lost that pregnancy in sept/oct 2018. I'm thinking I may go to the doctors and see if they can help in anyway. X

I went to the dr after my first mc as I was nearly 38 I thought they would put me through quicker but said 2 years but I managed to get a progesterone test which lead to a fertility app but we conceived again so cancelled the app as we got to 12w without any signs of mc again had the scan baby only got to 9w. So we got referred again and got pregnant again and lost that one a week before the app so we went but was used for reoccurring mc tests said we didn’t need fertility as we have conceived 3 times. I had an MVA with the last pregnancy only thing that was different I did have a scan after 2 mth to check uterus for reoccurring tests but what if there’s scarring now just feels like I’m broken.

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I worry what happened during the last one. As I was 13weeks. Took aspirin off my own back turns out I was right. But as I had medical management I worry aswell that I'm scarred or blocked up. So if things dont work out this month then I think I will make an appointment. X

I took aspirin aswel off my own back I feel u need to do what you think is right get no help or advice. I had the bloods no clotting or anything else just age they told me. My friend same age had 2 mc and s baby we were pregnant at the same time with all 3 pregnancies

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