None of my family or friends know that I’m going through ivf and I plan to keep it that way. I never want to be seen as the couple that can’t conceive naturally or I don’t want that pity look from people who says it’ll happen when it happens.
The struggles are getting to me - at first the needles were petrifying. I overcame my phobia eventually and got the egg collection. I had hyper stimulation which resulted in too much egg produced which was good in a way as I had 22 collected. This meaning I had to wait four periods before the transfer. The collection for me was brutal - I had to be on morphine, I was screaming and crying when I was out of surgery. I don’t remember it much.
The first frozen transfer was a fail. I’m now on medication for my second transfer a year later. I’m worried it’s going to fail again!
I feel a tiny bit angry about all this - it’s my partners sperm that has us in this position and to see him be fine about it all not getting any needles or surgery makes me angry. I don’t want to be angry I just want him to feel my pain - for him to help me and not get angry over my mood swings.
I’ve tried to see a counsellor but I’ve had so much going on I just came out more angry at him. I love him so much - how do we get round this!?