Having my second transfer mid Jan and just wanted to hear some success stories if you have horrible endometriosis but have still been able to conceive with IVF? I have been trying naturally for nearly 5 years and have had one failed IVF I just feel like endo wont let my body get pregnant. Any useful tips or info to help getting pregnant with endometriosis? X
Endometriosis and IVF, has it worked ... - Fertility, Miscar...
Endometriosis and IVF, has it worked well for you?

Hi there, I have stage 4 endometriosis discovered after I had an ectopic June 2018. I had a failed IVF cycle apr/May 2019, then laparoscopic surgery to “tidy” my pelvis up. We then tried naturally for 5 months. I had my second IVF cycle last month and have just got a BFP!!! I’m 5 weeks currently! It can happen! We can’t believe it! I’ve been on doxycycline, steroids and extra progesterone. My husband stopped drinking alcohol and caffeine too. I also had weekly acupuncture. I cut sugar down but otherwise kept eating fairly normally.
It can happen and it will happen for you too. Wishing you lots of luck xx
Thanks so much for giving me hope and your kind reply. Huge congratulations to you! That's so lovely to hear ♥️💫 I won't give up 😊 any tips straight after embryo transfer? Did you rest straight after or carry on as normal? Did you eat anything in particular lol xxx
Thank you! We are happy but a long way to go yet so trying to be realistic.
So after transfer I had the day of transfer and the following day off then went back to work. My job is quite stressful mental but not physically. I was just very aware of staying calm and resting plenty. No I didn’t eat any thing special.
Are you having a FET?xx