So, I lost 2 stone before I started IVF. Then when my cycle got cancelled last month I was fed up so have put on about 8lb.
Really want to loose a bit in the nxt few weeks before I start new cycle.
Any advice / tips ?
So, I lost 2 stone before I started IVF. Then when my cycle got cancelled last month I was fed up so have put on about 8lb.
Really want to loose a bit in the nxt few weeks before I start new cycle.
Any advice / tips ?
Slimming world is good X
Sorry, should have answered this on the other post too! Following our bfn early March, i too have gained weight, trying hard to find the motivation but as I haven't got a date yet, I can't seem to get going! Xxx
If you can afford a personal trainer, you could lose that weight in no time. Failing that, look for an exercise class that you would enjoy or try a couch to 5k programme - that's free to do. Diet is the big thing though. I have followed a high protein low carb diet for the last few years, with 3 main meals and 2-3 healthy snacks in between. Keeping your sugar levels regulated in this way seems to be the key to weight loss.
Maybe you've let bad habits creep in, so just make a choice to substitute that bar of chocolate for an apple and a yoghurt. Make small changes and you'll see a difference. x
And drink lots of water - 2-3 litres a day. Some of the weight could be water retention if you've let that slip too.