Here it is,any thoughts??
Know what these are coming out of tin... - Living with Fatty...
Know what these are coming out of tiny hole in skin,bleeds perfusly,itches,hurts like a splinter,hard but slimy,white,some help please🙏

Same nasty white spikes from skin
But drying up so its starting to look different. What are they suffered for 13 years !
I don’t think that is liver related. But sure looks like and your description sounds like you have a cyst or maybe several. A dermatologist would be the one evaluate and would probably recommend removal. Sorry hear, but good luck with finding relief.
I've been to several and now its gotten so bad there always there so I've made more appointments and if thet dont do something I'm going to get arrested probably. I have a fatty liver so that's why I posted this here , but thanks for nothing. I would suggest not saying anything at all if you don't know cause I'm extremely stressed and sensitive, loosing my mind and hope!! Telling me they might be cysts and need a dermatologist isn't help. I've never seen cysts this tiny and so many and they migrate to wounds whether Its a pimple or me getting a cut they appear. Its not normal and never had this happen till about 13 years ago . Im starting to think its fungal related and this could be biofilms or hyphae
How tiny are they - just wondered about Morgellons Best wishes
There not that tiny, and I'm doing everything to research this I've researched morgellons and dont want to go back to them days. They don't have the tools to help people if its morgellons I'm really screwed😥 last resort.... You know when I finally was told I had thrush I was stunned ! Was takin to University hospitals Athens ohio,columbus ohio ,Charleston wv everywhere within ohio valley all they said is I dont have strep!! Gave me antibiotics to get me gone! I was pregnant with my baby I couldnt sleep,eat ,drink,gained huge amount of weight within weeks!! Something was wrong I almost died before I was saved!! I was very angry thats all It was something known to us! I was beginning to think after 18 months and nobody knows why my throat and nose hurts I thought what the hell did I get abducted by freakin aliens or what!!! Its crazy how much they dont care even if your pregnant! But by God if your pregnant and have a addiction they'll talk to you!!! Help you admit you ! But if you dont have an addiction and just need yelp with an infection such as thrush they won't do shit and to boot here's some antibiotics even if i dont know whats wrong with ya ...TOO FEED YOUR PET FUNGUS FOR YEAH BYE BYE NOW GET OUT OF MY OFFICE CRYING LOL 🤷YEP EVERY SINGLE DOCTOR DID THAT AND GUESS WHAT I TOOK THE DAMN ANTIBIOTICS! I ALMOST DIED FROM A YEAST INFECTION IT WAS THE WORST PAIN IN MY LIFE AND IVE BROKEN MY LEG IN HALF BEFORE IN CAR WRECK AND ID TAKE BROKEN BONES BEFORE SUFFERING FROM THAT THRUSH AGAIN!! MY GOD IN HEAVEN!!😓 HOW I MADE IT IDK BUT THANK YOU

Gosh, that is a terrible story. We've never seen anything like that but I doubt it is liver related. If it were me, I'd try to get to a major research hospital with a strong dermatology department. The average doc will be useless to you. Researchers on the cutting edge are your best bet for finding someone who will want to solve the mystery.
When I first saw your note I thought it might be a parasite of some kind but that is just speculation. I'd collect some of them and preserve them in alcohol in case you got to the right kind of doc and weren't having a breakout right then.
You didn't say where you lived. Are you near a research center?
Hi I just received your email too. I was in southern ,Ohio where theres nothing but woods and a river but I ventured out to find help I'm now in Saint Martinville, Louisiana . How would I locate a research center? Im close to major cities being here. Theres nothing in ohio.
I'd try Ochsner
Here are some major medical centers in Louisiana:
1. University Medical Centre New Orleans - This is a 446-bed general acute care teaching hospital in New Orleans, Louisiana.
2. Ochsner Health - Ranked as the #1 hospital in Louisiana by U.S. News & World Report.
For more detailed information, you can visit the following sources:
1. [US News Best Hospitals - Louisiana Rankings](
2. [Largest Hospitals in Louisiana by Bed Size in 2021](
3. [Ochsner Health - Ranked #1 Hospital in Louisiana](
Ohio State Wexner Medical Center is a total research hospital. I've been on many researches for liver disease. You need to find a specialist, not a regular doctor. I have never heard of anything like this for the liver. I've had this for 23 years in Stage 4 NASH. You need to have the skin checked out.
If you look at some of these photos you will see little black specs in the tops of the white work looking things,I wonder if its not a fungi of some origin?;
This is just awful 😞 its not cosmetic this is killing me. I've been to alot of doctors and I won't go into it but you know how they do they never get to the root cause of anything they say hey you got gall stones lets take out your gall bladder 😥 but never say or care to find out what causing it so awful. I was so healthy up until I got pregnant with my first baby in 2011. I'm guessing immunity was low because of pregnancy and it hasn't left my body since 2011. These do not dissolve in water and hates alcohol it dries them out well tries to they fight back its hard for me to stay calm it hurts and itches. A doctor tried to tell me its just skin lol so I did a little experiment thats why in the one picture tou see them in water and they stayed in tack the scab dissolve around it within hours but it didnt dissolve weeks went by I finally just flushed them. Now I'm so infested being in Louisiana seemed to make symptoms worse ! So its at all time high with these protruding through And it swells till they just break through the skin and it itches very bad . Hope that man can help me. Im at the end of my rope : (
Opportunist Fungi? Just putting it out there. Ive seen spores fly in videos I've watched and theyre microscopic they land germinate and grow upward the black specs wonder if thats a spore? I am speculating here I just don't know.. I'm so exhausted 😓
Subcutaneous mites? they get under your skin and live and breed there. Extreme itching and burning. They hate extreme heat and humidity. Tea tree oil is one way to kill them. It stinks to some people. There are others, i am sure. They get in because of weakened skin barrier, extra vitamins like, Pro-caps by Andrew Lessman are a great start. Organic coconut oil norishs skin and suffacates the mites and larva. Look into it. Google it ! God Bless honey. Don;t give up, there is no need to.🥰🤩
I feel so bad for you! Frustrating to not get a diagnosis and treatment. Just a thought… try using ai apps by copying the pictures you shared into the app and there may be a match in the data set that provides a potential diagnosis you can share with a doctor. ChatGPT or jama network could be a start and there are ai dermatology apps.
It might have something to do with oxalates. There is a book on this called: Toxic Superfoods: How Oxalate Overload Is Making You Sick--and How to Get Better. Author Sally K. Norton. This explains oxalates: And this is her website: I hope this helps. Oxalates can form painful crystals in the body. It can be modified by diet.