Has anyone used or heard of the BARD scoring chart? For Nafld fibrosis
BARD scoring chart: Has anyone used or... - Living with Fatty...
BARD scoring chart

I've been at this for 22 years, diagnosed in 2001 with stage 4 NASH and I have never heard of it. But things change daily in recourses and solutions for NASH.
From what I read it's similar to the FIB-4, which my doctor considered but my score was indeterminate.
Your fib4 was indeterminate? The bard score is a risk factor.
I had 3 test, one was bridging, which might have been this FIB-4. Blood work said F4 cirrhosis advanced steatosis and another was indeterminate. After the fiberscan the gastroligist was willing to stay with f4 cirrhosis and advanced steatosis but my 2nd opinion with a hepotoligist suggested a biopsy because of the 3 different results. Biopsy determined stage 1 fibrosis in zone 3 and mild liver fat.