Hi All,
Has anyone experienced a non-diagnosis after bloodbloork and a CT with contrast? I'm going crazy but have a persistent pain upper left quadrant.
Any insight?
Hi All,
Has anyone experienced a non-diagnosis after bloodbloork and a CT with contrast? I'm going crazy but have a persistent pain upper left quadrant.
Any insight?
Hi Jayne
Pain is a challenge and lots of folks here struggle with it. It is possible to experience pain on the left as a result a liver issue but it would be uncommon. The liver is on the right but the spleen is on the left and it is in the same blood flow path as the liver and it is affected by many liver diseases. Unless there are other indications, your docs won't be looking at your liver. It isn't a diagnosis, just a probability calculator but there is a tool called FIB-4 which might provide some info to consider and you can do it yourself from your blood work.
How is 122 in your opinion? I meant my right side no clue why I wrote left!
The scale has cutoffs of 1.45 to 3.25 I think. Did you mean 1.22? If not you may not have the values plugged into the calculator correctly. If 1.22 that says you probably don't have advanced fibrotic liver disease but doesn't say that you can't have some other kind of problem. Lot's of us have had trouble getting diagnosed.
Oh my goodness I meant RIGHT side
I get pain in my upper right side and I've been told for years now by GP's and even a hepatologist that it's impossible for NAFLD/NASH to cause pain - funny that considering we all seem to get it!