Hi everyone. I know it's an unpleasant topic, but has anybody here ever experienced tiny black specks/dots on the toilet paper after a bowel movement?
Unpleasant topic: Hi everyone. I know... - Living with Fatty...
Unpleasant topic
Stool is endlessly variable and depends, in normal life, on what you are eating. Once you begin to have a disease process there are a lot of different chemistries that happen in the bowel so what comes out varies a lot. One of the results of liver disease is that you get only partial digestion and can look like anything. Long way around to say we have no idea. Dark tarry stools are a potential sign of bleeding but can't guess about specks.
Thanks Nash, I guess a lot depends on the volume of blood too, IF IT US IN FACT BLOOD, meaning the blac, tarry stools would indicate significant bleeding, while it seems logical to suspect that a few black specks with overall normal looking stool would be from minimal bleeding. Make sense?
That is really a question for your doc, but I would think that it is more likely some undigested food. I think blood would just mix in and wouldn't be visible but that is just speculation on my part. I'm sure a lot depends on exactly where a bleed is happening but it is something we always want to be aware of and if it persists I'd get it checked out.
Please bear in mind this can happen if you eat grapes or some seeds. Fingers crossed for a good outcome for you.
Thank you. I don't eat much fruit or vegetables, to my detriment I'm sure. But, scope was done and, fortunately no varices detected, so that's good. The doctor's English isn't very good, but I think he said that the black specks were likely due to the diverticulosis, which he did detect.
Diverticulosis is so very common. I have a healthy diet and have it as well. Genetics! Glad all is well.
Thanks very much. I guess it's safe to assume that, since there's no varices, there's no portal hypertension; therefore, no cirrhosis, I would think. Would you agree?