Food for though, for all on the wonderful forum.
👌: Food for though, for all on the... - Living with Fatty...

Thanks for sharing a good word!
Thanks Karen, just felt it might help some of us. As a now 72 yr old I count my blessings. Never had any issues with my health until I was diagnosed eventually September 2019. With chronic liver disease/ cirrhosis. Having said that I seem to be doing okay with it all. I’m not up to my normal levels of energy and fitness ( yet ) haha, which was swimming 3 times a week, walking 3-5 miles most days, or cycling doing my own garden, dog walking + I’m a 24/7 carer for my friend who is now in her 80s alert but poor mobility. Now I’ve changed diet, and slowly building up my exercise levels, so thrilled with myself, back in the pool now for short periods, waking my dog again slowly but surely. What more could I ask for,nothing.
Chrissie 👌.
This is definitely a good word! You give hope to a lot of people. I think when we do look for the good spots in our life, that blessing expands! I’m so thankful you and your friend have each other during this time.