I visited sw Florida for a couple of months, ate the fish that we caught from the beach . The area we visited has been plagued by red tide and blue green algae. The blue green algae is hepatotoxic to humans. Marine life is dying off.Only now have the authorities closed the fishing. Only now has their been information on the health implications. I was exposed for nearly 8 weeks unknowingly to a potential hepa toxin and I have Nash. Anyone else hear of this? I also,may have an autoimmune component and am seeking a second hepatologist opinion. I'm tired of Drs not taking this seriously. I have eaten liver healthy for 4 years an the fatty liver increased . Also exercise6-7 Days a week . I get severe pain on the right, feels like gall bladder attack. It is incapacitating. No one can help or understand what the pain is. No gallbladder...my bile duct is at 1 cm which is high end of normal..
Sw Florida hepatotoxin algae - Living with Fatty...
Sw Florida hepatotoxin algae
Hi tbaradine
The toxic risks with those blooms has been known for a very long time. Kind of like the Jaws movie. The powers that be don't want to disrupt the tourist business so they try to avoid alarming people. Like all toxins, it is dose related so how much impact is a function of how much you got. Since your liver is already at risk it's hard to tell what the risk to you is, particularly if you are complicated with some autoimmune issues. Not easy, but information is your friend. If you can understand the small details it is easier to try to fight it. Good luck
The bloom was gearing up while I was visiting the area. I also ate the fish, there is no telling how much my exposure really was. All I know is my most recent ultrasound showed a large increase in fat since my previous ultrasound and my fibroscan showed stage 1 fibrosis, this was a complete shock to me because I have adopted a healthy lifestyle for 4 years and my liver was stable. No mention of any fat in my liver from my December 2017 , in fact it was noted at that time my liver and spleen were normal in size and appearance except for a 1 cm hemangioma which I've had for years. I plan to urge my dr (second opinion hepatologist ) to make note of my hepatotoxin exposure and contact authorities. I'm beyond upset as I have done everything I can to keep,my liver healthy. Had I known about the potential problem I would have not gone there. In December I also came down with pancreatitis. They can't figure out why, all I know is I was deathly ill for a few months and still have this horrible pain which flares up from time to time in my right upper quadrant. Many Drs automatically assume you are an alcoholic or drug seeking if u go to e.r. With abdominal pain and testing positive for pancreatitis. I never drink or do drugs. I am 56 yr old woman that was training for a half marathon when all this began. I wanted desperately to complete a marathon in spite of all my diagnoses . I won't give up and want answers and help. I am so tired and demoralized from Drs who don't listen.
Certainly not the typical route to stage 1. It sounds like you suffered an infection or toxic insult. Have they tested you for hepatitis B perhaps? It could be you were hit with both kinds of things at the same time. The stigma attached to liver disease is something many of us fight against. No easy answer to that but keep asking questions. It sounds like whatever happened has your liver still inflamed. If you had a normal ultrasound, they aren't really good at measuring fat or fibrosis. If you can get a Fibroscan that would a reasonable next step as it can tell you more accurately what the situation is with your liver, but nothing is great at stage 1 other than proton density fat fraction by MRI which is expensive.