Hi just wondered if anyone knows of any suppo... - FASD Support

FASD Support

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Hi just wondered if anyone knows of any support groups in the North East England area?? Possible adoption match 3yr old with diagnosis FASD

cazjohns82 profile image
12 Replies

We know she is diagnosed as being on the spectrum for FASD and have done a lot of research, but would like to talk to people who have been through the real experience of raising a child with FASD. Thank you in advance

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cazjohns82 profile image
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12 Replies
greenmother profile image

Hi cazjohns82

I would recommend you take a look at FASD Network - a very helpful resource in North East. Best wishes.

cazjohns82 profile image
cazjohns82 in reply to greenmother

Thank you I will take a look at that

MiniV07 profile image

the FASD Network is going to be holding a meeting at the end of May, I hope to attend and will keep looking for the finalised times on their site,we have an adopted daughter now aged nearly 7yrs,and also live in the North East

cazjohns82 profile image
cazjohns82 in reply to MiniV07

That is really good to know I will definitely look in to that. Thank you :-)

StressedMum profile image

Thanks for posting this - I live in the North East and have an adopted son who is almost five years old, and have a three year old daughter, his birth sibling. He is very probably on the FASD spectrum (though specialist says it's almost impossible to diagnose, other than ruling out other issues/causes with genetic testing - which we haven't done as yet. Can't face the trauma of getting bloods done just yet!) My daughter seems less effected than my son - again the specialist said that often damage caused in the womb may have less impact on girls than boys (not sure if this is 'fact'?) I didn't know about the FASD network - but now I do will try and get along. Hopefully I might be able to find you there for a chat?!

cazjohns82 profile image
cazjohns82 in reply to StressedMum

Hi we are very new to FASD and although we have done a lot of research really feel that being able to meet with other parents/carers will be invaluable, although there is a lot of information out there some of it is all about the worse cases and the horror stories!! I'm really hoping to find people who are local to meet up with so will hopefullybe able to atattend this event. Where in the North East are you??

StressedMum profile image

Sorry - my mistype - I did know about the FASD network - what I meant to type was that I didn't know about the meeting! Cazjohn82, I'm really sorry but I'm a bit wary about posting where we are specifically on a forum as I don't want people I don't know to be able to identify my kids (I'm a bit strict on protecting their details and their privacy). I do agree though that sharing experiences is invaluable. I'm not sure if there is a more 'confidential ' way of doing this on this forum?

I've found that with my kids there are good days, when life with them is great, and bad days when you cry, and want to scream and shout with frustration. I think all children are like this. Maybe ours are sometimes just a bit more extreme! :-)

cazjohns82 profile image
cazjohns82 in reply to StressedMum

Yes sorry I know what you mean about not wanting people knowing where you are and protecting yours and there details! I guess each day will be different and will just have to take it day by day and learn along the way.

StressedMum profile image

I'm not sure if I click on your profile and send you a message if it just goes to you, or if it gets posted on the 'wall'? Anyone know if you can do this to send a more private message?

cazjohns82 profile image

I've have sent you a message through your profile page to see if it works

FASDNETUK profile image

Hello, I run the FASD Network and have seen your messages. I am a foster carer who has first hand experience of FASD too. We had our support group last week and our training day yesterday. I am available to talk to and am knitted into a network of 350 people who understand your journey. I am happy to chat with anyone who wants more information. The easiest thing is to type in fasd network Stockton into Google and my group pops up. There is a link on there so that you can contact me with your details and I will respond to your enquiry. I am Teesside based but run groups in Newcastle and North Yorkshire too. Happy to help in any way. I look forward to getting to know you.

Joygirl profile image

There is a training session in Newcastle run by The FASD Trust on 7 July. If you email events@fasdtrust.co.uk they can send you details.

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