I have a 12 year old son, 10 years ago he sadily had Non hodgekins Lymphoma, as a result of this due to scaring in bowel from tumours, he ended up having a bowel resection, adhesions and scar banding which resulted in another op 3 years ago, was well from then till recently, he now has had for 6 weeks of on and off constipation (episodes of no bowel movements for 4-5 days every two weeks over the last 6 weeks.) He is in lots of pain and we have been backwards and forwards to A and E this week and last week. Xray s taken and showed he is full of Poo and so now on 2x movicol twice daily and Picosulfate 10mg daily. This is the plan for the next 6 weeks.
Any suggestions on what else could speed up the process to reduce the poo and reduced his pain? Currently he has headaches , very tired and generally very tearful and emotional.
I have heard probiotic s could help? Any other suggestions very much welcomed please. x