Just thought I would do an update following my post three days ago about bedwetting as a teenager. This may be long apologies. I went to the doctors today and they felt my stomach and said that it was very hard, I am consitpated badly - worse than I though considering I have been going maybe twice a week, everyday 3 days or so. They said that this could be one of the reasons why I have been bedwetting and that I could have been slightly constipated all along but not enough that my stomach was hard. So I am doing disimpaction. I am now also having one or two at the max accidents a day. I thought that I would update as a couple of people asked to let them know how I get on. But may not see it one the other post so I have done a new one.
Any advice on bedwetting, protection or routines that you may have tried or know someone who has tried that I should try out would be more that welcome be just leave them down so that I can read them.
Does anyone else have teenagers (I am 15 by the way) who still bed wet.