I've no idea what's going on at the moment. My 3 year old has been on macrogol for about 9 months. He takes 2 sachets and has a soft pop mist days. Occasionally (I'd say about 4 times in the 9 months) he goes 2 to 3 days without pooing and has always got back into the swing.
For the past couple of weeks he's gone a couple of days with out pooing and he has a bit of a cold but today he's had what I'd normally think was diarrhoea. Loads of totally liquid poo. He's had cramps just before doing them but doesn't seem unwell otherwise and goes back to playing between it.
Could this be poo leaking through?!? It's been 2 nappys full and a potty, should I cut his dose for a bit!?!
Just when I felt things seem to be getting better it gets worse, I could cry 😞