Are any creams available to help with ED?
creams: Are any creams available to... - Erectile Dysfunct...

You might want to try Viramax but don't expect any miracles. I think it available online.
Are you circumcised? I ask because if you are (as I was in 2001), I don't think there are any creams available to help your impotence. Dr. Kellogg (cornflakes) recommended circumcision for all males at any age, to rid them of the Victorian 'sin' of masturbation. And it worked to a large degree; but often leaving them impotent.
If you're intact with a foreskin and its fully-working functions, but are troubled with ED (Impotence), there may be topical steroid creams you can apply to your foreskin under advice from your GP. But do first make an appointment with your local surgery, even if it's a nurse who initially sees you. She will be fully qualified to make an assessment.
Research Viamax online. It is available through Amazon. It is more than just a lubricant