Hi, have recently had this medication prescribed to stop focal episodes. (50mg twice a day).This is my fifth day on it and since the third day I have had headaches, mainly forehead area. Im also finding that since keppra increase to 750mg twice a day after a seizure on 1st september lasting around 10 minutes, this has had an effect regarding being more agitated and impatient. Im wondering whether to try and wean back down to 500mg keppra but only after discussing this with epilepsy nurse.Does anyone else take these 2 meds and do they cause unwanted side effects?
Lacosamide: Hi, have recently had this... - Epilepsy Action

Hi I was on 750mg keppra and 50mg lacosamide, didn't work for me at all, made seizures way worse, felt drunk, all over the place like being on a stormy boat and caused blackouts, fainting and headache.That combination doesn't agree with everyone.
High keppra caused keppra rage in me.
Hope this helps
Hi thanks for commenting. Im finding that the rage has returned though I have been able to keep it under control, but it is hard sometimes. I was fine on 500mg twice a day but due to missing a few night time tablets during a week in April 2022, ( my own fault), I woke up in resus. That was my third seizure in 16 months. (Started having seizures Jan 2021). To be honest, regarding frequency of the seizures, I dont understand why im on such a high dosage. It seems to be a case that medication is increased every time a person has a seizure. I can understand medication being increased if the seizures were a regular occurance but 4 in nearly 3 years isnt enough to warrant a medication increase in my opinion.
Im glad someone else has had the same combination of meds and knows what the effects are like. I feel as though im going loopy at times.
Also it isnt reassuring when the neurologist starts googling epilepsy medications like she did at a follow up appointment last week!! Its actually frightening!!