If you stop taking medication how long will it be before the side effects stop?
Medicatipn: If you stop taking medication... - Epilepsy Action
Hi Mary - it can depend on the epilepsy medicine you're taking so it might be best to talk to your epilepsy doctor or pharmacist about this. Usually if you're stopping or changing medicines you lower the dose gradually, sometimes this can help to limit the side effects of stopping a medicine suddenly.
We've some information about stopping or changing epilepsy medicines which might be useful for you:
We also have some information about epilepsy medicines and side effects:
If you have any more questions you'd be welcome to call us at the Epilepsy Action Helpline. Our number is freephone 0808 800 5050 and we are open 8.30 – 7pm Monday to Thursday, 8.30am to 4.30pm Friday and 10am – 4pm Saturday.
Epilepsy Action Helpline Team